30 something mom wanting to lose 30 lbs


Looking for some friends who can help motivate me.. and I will help you as well!!

I'm 37, work full time and have 2 daughters (11 & 8). I have been on and off the weightloss wagon too many times to count. My hubby is pretty supportive (& has a very active job), but even with his support, I seem to fall off and go back to my old ways. I have made progress over the years and not eating as much processed food as I did in my 20's.

I want to do it this time! Last year I lost about 30lbs, but have gained 15 of it back. So I'm back looking to lose those 15 lbs plus another 15 (total of 30).

I used to be an avid runner (have completed a marathon and several half marathons just 4 years ago) and really want to find my groove again. I'm not sure a marathon is in my future again, but I would definitely like to get back into the marathon distances.

I would love to hear your story and if you think we could encourage each other, then feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck in your journey! We can do this :)


  • KKrezman
    KKrezman Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I'm a 30 year old stay at home mom of twin toddlers (just turned two). You'd think I'd have all the time in the world to work out and plan meals but it just doesn't seem to happen. I too have been up and down since my 20s and not I'm looking to lose 30-40 lbs, honestly, I'm more concerned with the inches then the actual weight. I need to get healthy for myself first but also for my kids, they have too much energy not to get myself healthy. I also have a supportive husband who works long hours. Let's help each other!