60's age group

I am in my 60's and need to lose a lot of weight, need support on how to get started thanks


  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    I qualify, I am 61 years old , lost 17 pounds since November.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I'll be 61 in three days. Lost 29 pounds since last July 4. You get started by getting a food scale, weighting and monitoring your intake and keep that intake at or just below your allotted calories.
  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks.. my weight is going up and down in 2 weeks… I lose a lb, then I gain a lb. I do keep a 1200 calorie chart and I keep on it. Did you have problems
  • lindamkelly2
    lindamkelly2 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 66 years old and am finding it very hard to lose just 10 lbs. I'm in a zumba class twice a week and do weight training with a trainer twice a week and walk 3.5 miles twice a week. I don't eat over 1200 cal a day. Most of the time I don't even eat 1200 cal. I have heard the older you are the harder it is to lose weight. I wish it were as hard to gain 10 lbs.
  • Debgal54
    Debgal54 Posts: 8 Member
    I just turned 62 and have been using MFP for ten days now. I previously did WW and made goal, but fell off the wagon and gained it back. I am exercing in some way every day by walking or working out at my local fitness center, but I am not eating back those calories burned. My daily goal is at 1350 and I am staying under it, but eating at least 1100 daily. It is important to measure food and sometimes weigh it, plus always look at serving size on labels. Finally realized that working out was not enough. You have to limit your food intake. Make sure you get enough protein. Track everything you eat. Slow and steady. We all want to lose that weight right away, but it took a while to put it on, and it will take a while to lose it. I am happy to accept any friend requests, my diary is open to friends, and I will offer support. We can do this after 60! We just may have to work a bit harder at it.
  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    morey235 wrote: »
    I am in my 60's and need to lose a lot of weight, need support on how to get started thanks

    Wow! You read my mind. I'd like to connect with some other "losers"in their 60's. Check out my profile, if we have more in common than just good looks and a sense of humor, make a friend request.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    morey235 wrote: »
    Thanks.. my weight is going up and down in 2 weeks… I lose a lb, then I gain a lb. I do keep a 1200 calorie chart and I keep on it. Did you have problems

    No, those first 29 pounds were almost too easy. Once I got to about 192 (28 down) the Holidays hit (Thanksgiving through New Years), I started a lifting program and have flat lined at 192-190 for the past 6 weeks. Getting stronger, waist is still getting smaller, as are those "love handles", I got biceps again, stomach is flat(ter) but the weight is hovering just above my original goal. Really looking for warmer weather with it lighter later so I can restart my runs after work.

    Keep on keeping on and good things happen.
  • vansnyder
    vansnyder Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone, I am 65 with a bad back (L4) and bad knees. So running seems to be out and walking is sporatic, sometimes I can walk a block and have a knee hurting or locking up, other times I can walk 3 miles and feel good, still trying to figure out why the big differences. Maybe temperature, maybe barometric pressure, maybe carb intake? Anyhow, I have lost over 50 lbs in the last 2 years, some from low carb, high protein diet, and some from taking diet pills (with prescription, and dr. suppervised) and running very low calories. Now I am using MFP and doing balanced diet staying around the suggested calorie intake and am losing about 1 - 2 lbs per week. I do try to keep the 3 main meals and a snack or 2 to space out the calories, that seems to keep me losing (for now). It seems whenever I get this dieting thing all figured out my body finds a way around it and I have to change in order to lose more.

    I found interestingly enough that weights make my joints hurt, shoulders and elbows, but for some reason the bowflex doesn't. I think its because the resistance starts so light and builds so pressure isn't on joints at start. The other funny thing is, I can not walk far on treadmill (bad knees) but the eliptical not only doesn't hurt my knees but seems to flex them well so later the same day I can walk further with no problems. Again I am not a doctor and don't understand this but it just works. Thought I would pass this along in case it helps someone with similar problems.

    Sorry about the long post, I hope this site keeps going, I will be looking here for insights from others in my age group that can help me keep progressing.

    Thanks everyone :)
  • Mjones23456
    Mjones23456 Posts: 57 Member
    Hello all. I will be 62 next month and "enjoy" this same struggle. I have 15 lbs. to loose and have been working on this for a year or so. I had a major set back this past September and am just getting back on track. I can use all the help and support I can get.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited January 2016
    I began MFP 3/12/12 @ age 60, 290#. Arrived at maintenance on 11/8/13 at 130.5#, where I am currently.
    I did not have a difficult time losing, but really could not go much above 1200 calories without gaining. I am 5'3". I have come to the conclusion that partly because of my age, I did not need the number of calories someone younger needs. I am very fortunate to have a very supportive, helpful physician. She has had my back all the way on this journey, and has been one of my best cheerleaders.

    On maintenance, I am @ about 1600 calories/day. I fluctuate by about 5 pounds (well, honestly, I have only gotten down below 130 once, for about 2 minutes, in the past 2 years and I am pretty ok with my weight now) and still watch my weight very closely. Just the way it has to be for me. I joined a gym for the first time in my life a year ago. While I still can not say I love exercising, I know it is important. For me, weighing, measuring, and logging is key, and always will be.

    Each of us has to find what will work for ourselves. We are very fortunate to have the internet at our finger tips to be able to get answers quickly and educate ourselves.

  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    I bought a zumba DVD and going to try that for exercise. I can't do it all due to my bad knees, but I can do some of it, anything to keep moving. We can do this, I faithfully do my MFP chart everyday. I set up my whole days menu with a couple snacks. I seem to stay on it when it is all written down and counted up. I like this chart of food and calories.
  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    I would like to be added to anyone who has a hard time losing weight.
  • miamrkitty
    miamrkitty Posts: 1 Member
    I am 63 and have had a very hard time learning how to lose weight. I was going to Curves and did great - but they closed a year ago and I have now gained the weight back. I have now gotten a treadmill and am using it along with keeping up with calories and carb/sugar count. Today I goofed and drank a Starbucks bottled coffee. Now that I realize how many carbs/sugar is in this drink - it's bye bye Starbucks! I love coffee so from now on only black coffee and unsweetened tea. It's good to see that other people have the same problems. (I was always underweight until the mid 40s and could eat everything without gaining weight. Oh, to have that problem again!)
  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    I had no idea how much sugar and salt is in food. Salt is suppose to increase weight. I put extra salt on all foods.
    NO more extra salt for me anymore. Keep up with your MFP to see all nutrients.
  • vansnyder
    vansnyder Posts: 20 Member
    I have learned a lot about my diet since I started using mfp, I love the scan feature, I know I have the right food then, all I have to do is figure the portions. I started watching the reports, its not easy getting things balanced. Get enough protein but not to much calories or sodium. At least with this program I can break down what is working and what isn't, I feel I have a good chance of getting close to a balanced diet now.
  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    I use my MFP and log in my whole days food, that way I don't have to stop and figure things out during the day.
    It is really hard to get it balanced, I agree.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Hi! I am 63 and love new friends who log everyday(except vacations, illness etc.). I believe that mutual support helps me achieve my goals. I have come through major illness with more determination than ever! Anyone can add me if they are here to improve their health!
  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi, I am 68 and I have gone through major problems also and still dealing with them. It is hard to exercise, but I do my best. I have to use a stick of dynamite to get me going. :) Hope you write on here often. I check in here everyday, several times. Message me anytime.
  • vansnyder
    vansnyder Posts: 20 Member
    Wow, did I screw up. I was bragging to some friends the other day about my bad back and how I had it under control for a yr and a half. Made it sound like I had it all figured out, so I think God decided to humble me just a bit more. (since I don't have a wife to do that anymore) All of a sudden, in a couple of days time I went from working out 3 times a week to barely getting around the house. My doctor visit the other day was a bit revealing, he says I have arthritis in the lumbar region and he prescribed some really strong anti inflamitory pills so hopefully I can be back to working out. I got so frustrated the first 2 days I was hurting that I ate, and ate, I gained 7 lbs in 2 days. Well thanks to MFP I have not only lost that 7 lbs but am down to a new record low for me in the last 20 yrs. Thank you guys and thank you mfp. I enjoy reading how you all are doing and hopefully together we can all win. :p
  • vansnyder
    vansnyder Posts: 20 Member
    To Morey235, I try to remember the movie "What about Bob", lol its all about "Baby steps" I tend to think sometimes if I can't jump in and do a bunch I shouldn't even start. Then I think of the baby steps and just do a little, it gives me incentive to try again tomorrow, until I am doing much better.