Does anyone want to be skinny

I used to be really skinny and I miss it. I'm a UK size 12, 12/14 and I hate it. I hate being curvy, I feel that it's not me and I feel really chubby even though I'm tall. I hate having large boobs, hips and a bum. I look at old pictures of when I was skinny and I looked so good. I feel like such a failure that I gained so much weight since. I lost 4 stone 4 years ago and went from a size 18 to an 8/10, but I lost it quickly and unhealthily. I really want to get back down to a size 8, but I struggle with low calorie diets. Can you get skinny by not going on low calorie diets. I love exercise, but it doesn't make me skinny, even when I loose weight. I want to get skinny but keep it off but im scared it will take forever to loose two stone. I'm 12 stone (76kg), which is big. I looked so good skinny. I feel like such a failure that I ruined the hard work when I lost weight and for years since I've never stopped feeling guilty. I've remained around a size 12-14 since, but im unhappy at this size. sorry for rant.


  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I don't want to be skinny. My goal weight is actually still a little in the overweight bmi range for my height. I think everyone has different ideas about how they want their body to look.

    I think I'm more worried about your expression of self dislike & the binge eating you mention in your profile. You can definitely lose weight without going on a low calorie diet, especially since you say that you are tall. If you restrict your calories too much, it can be unsustainable & you are more likely to binge. If you only have 28 lbs to lose, set your profile for a loss of .5-1 lb a week & see what calorie goal it gives you. You will lose more slowly, but you may be less likely to binge & regain. You do have to be committed to logging in every day & being accurate with your food entries (weighing everything).

    I think you also have to identify what you mean by "skinny". You say that you don't get skinny even when you lose weight. Could it be that you are not seeing yourself as you really are? Are you looking for certain traits that aren't natural to your specific body type? Some women have large boobs, wide hips, or a bum even when they are thin. If you are naturally shaped that way, you will not be able to change your basic shape. I think you should work on loving yourself how you are.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Nope. I want to get as big and strong as possible.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I want to be built like a brick house, so not even wind can blow me over.
  • motivccess
    motivccess Posts: 201 Member
    i think you should mainly focus on getting within a healthy bmi range for your height... it takes time; but you'll get there! ( :
  • sadyia15
    sadyia15 Posts: 76 Member
    I jus want to be flat in the right places( n by that I mean my tummy) but still hve curves. The only part I'd want to be skinny is my upper arms
  • Yvonnie16
    Yvonnie16 Posts: 67 Member
    I want to be healthy and strong. Being curvy is awesome. Good luck :)
  • HG93022
    HG93022 Posts: 80 Member
    No. I want to be in the Normal BMI range, not the Underweight range.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I was skinny, had a big butt and thighs back then. dont want to go back. Id rather be fit and healthy.I also want some muscles too.
  • foxandflora
    foxandflora Posts: 183 Member
    I definitely want to be skinny, yeah. Pick yourself up, though. My weight went down drastically when I was disordered, and I do not want to get back to that again (severely underweight). My weight went up through years of trying to overcompensate for my disordered past.

    Personally, my goal weight is at the low point of what is considered healthy for my height. Along with being skinny, I do want to be fit because it's important for me to make sure that my body is healthy. You can definitely be skinny and healthy and fit all at the same time.

    Please take care of yourself, though! Losing weight should ultimately make you happy and enhance your life-- not make it worse! Feel free to add me if you'd like to chat more or something!
  • angelamichelle_xo
    angelamichelle_xo Posts: 646 Member
    i want to be skinny.
  • fitnessqueen91
    fitnessqueen91 Posts: 166 Member
    I want to lose weight so bad but it going to take me forever to lose 2 stone. I feel depressed about my body. Being skinny suited me, curves dont and make me look chubby. I'm so jealous of skinny people eespecially naturally thin people
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    No. I want to be fit. I want my glutes to be strong and propel me running. I want my arms and shoulders to pull my body while I swim laps. I want to feel my abs contract while I'm doing a flip turn, and my back to hold me up tall and proud.

    Love the body you have. Someday you won't have it, because..well...aging. And then you'll wonder why you were fretting so much over what you had.

    BTW, your post screams of disordered thinking. As does your user name. Please don't let this develop into something more serious that harms your health.
  • foxandflora
    foxandflora Posts: 183 Member
    edited January 2016
    I want to lose weight so bad but it going to take me forever to lose 2 stone. I feel depressed about my body. Being skinny suited me, curves dont and make me look chubby. I'm so jealous of skinny people eespecially naturally thin people

    There is no such thing as naturally thin, just people that have a tendency to eat less than others. You are in complete control of your actions, and you can absolutely change them. You don't need to go on a starvation diet or crash course diet, at all. Actually, it won't work long-term, most likely. Figure out what you should eat daily due to your height, weight, activity level, etc... and eat less! I do NOT mean to sound rude at all. Honestly, I think once people realize CICO (Calories In/ Calories Out), weight loss becomes much more controllable. Track daily with MFP, figure out your intake, stick with it. It's better to start today and get there over time... than to never start OR to get there quickly and return to overeating.

    Example: I eat 1200 to lose and will eat 1600 to maintain. That's the plan. When I don't track, I definitely eat more because I'm not holding myself accountable. When I track, even if I have an off day-- today for instance was an off day-- I know and can then have a better day tomorrow!

    Also, light exercise (lifting weights, included) is so important for general wellness and can be awesome for general happiness!
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    How tall are you, OP?
    You don't have to go low calorie to lose weight, you just have to eat less than you burn. If you have a small deficit it will take longer to lose but you won't have to deprive yourself much.
  • foxandflora
    foxandflora Posts: 183 Member
    How tall are you, OP?
    You don't have to go low calorie to lose weight, you just have to eat less than you burn. If you have a small deficit it will take longer to lose but you won't have to deprive yourself much.

    So true! I eat low calorie because I don't have a routine with exercise. It's the only reason. I'd definitely eat more if I incorporated routine exercise (which is a better way to go about weight loss, I believe.)
  • brooksbarrick
    brooksbarrick Posts: 6 Member
    strong is the new skinny
  • rachfking
    rachfking Posts: 40 Member
    How old were you when you were super-skinny? If it was younger than 21 then I'm afraid you hadn't actually fully grown into your body at that point. In 20 years time you will look at photos of yourself as you are now and not believe that you ever thought of yourself as too heavy. I wasted my early 20s thinking I was too fat to wear a bikini and now I want to slap my 70kg younger self.