Starting a new workout. Not sure how to log it?

seanoxmix Posts: 31 Member
edited January 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm starting this new workout, but I'm not sure specifically how to log it in this app. I don't see any options that exactly apply:

4 cycles of:
Bodyweight squats – 8-10 reps
Push-ups (or knee-push ups) – 5-8 reps
Plank – hold for 15 seconds
Jumping Jacks – 15 reps
Bodyweight Reverse Lunges – 6 reps per leg
Lying Hip Raise (double or single leg) – 10 reps

Any suggestions?


  • EzRemake
    EzRemake Posts: 128 Member
    It's impossible to tell for nearly all types of physical activity. The closest you can get to accurate exercise readings is doing one cardio exercise for an extended period with a tracking device on that takes your weight and height into consideration.

    Best not logging exercise calories, and just consider them a mystery bonus to your overall deficit from dieting.
  • seanoxmix
    seanoxmix Posts: 31 Member
    That makes sense. I'll not worry about logging them. I just wanted to dive in completely and log everything, but I guess that's more important for food. Thanks!