So discouraged



  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    sanfromny hit the nail on the head. I was told 85% of weight loss happens in the kitchen. And, I believe that is the truth based on my personal experience. Working out is great. It is important for getting healthy, and it does play a role in weight loss. But don't beat yourself up if you're not killing your workouts right out of the gate. As everyone has already said, it will get better if you stick with it.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    I was exactly the same, when I first decided I was fed up of being overweight and needed to do something about it, a friend of mine suggested I try the C25K (couch to 5k) challenge, which is basically an app which introduces you to running by getting you to do alternate running and walking segments, and each week it steps it up a notch.

    Well, I can tell you the first time I went out and did it I felt like I was going to pass out, I felt sick, dizzy, my legs were all wobbly, and I actually called my friend when i'd finished and told her I disliked her and she was a horrid person for trying to kill me (I was joking obviously but that's how I felt - like I was dying). Each time it told me to run I was so out of breath and sweating, and when I say 'run' I say this in the loosest possible term, it was more like an extremely slow jog, and it was only for 60 seconds at a time, and yet I still struggled immensely. But I did it, and I kept on doing it, despite the fact that I hated every second of that first attempt, and before I knew it I was finding it easier and easier.

    One of the things that kept me going that first time was the fact that my friend who had suggest it was a lot heavier than me, and she'd just ran a 5k fun run after using the app to train, so in my mind I kept telling myself that if she could do it, so could I! You have to believe in yourself, tell yourself you can do it, don't let negative thoughts get in the way, and as they say, if at first you don't succeed, try again. Keep at it, and over time it WILL get easier.
  • KatEmmaMarie
    KatEmmaMarie Posts: 64 Member
    I was in your shoes about 4 years ago. I was 196 pounds and only 5'1''. I always tried to lose weight but never seemed to be able to stick to any sort of diet or exercise routine. Then one day I found my motivation and ran (literally) with it! It was so hard at first and yes I felt super embarrassed that I could barely sustain a light jog for more than a minute before having to walk briskly. But like with everything in life, practice makes perfect! Just keep at it and eventually it WILL become easier. Look into using your schools fitness center, that's what I did. I worked out about 6 days a week and sometimes my sessions were as short as 15-20 minutes depending on what my schedule was. But you know what? It works! Finding even the smallest amount of time throughout the day to get to the gym and work out (I eventually fell in love with the elliptical and paired that with my running) along with tracking everything I ate, I lost about 75 pounds.
    If for whatever reason you can't make it to your schools gym, make a pinterest account and search for at home workouts that you can do without gym equipment. Go for a run around your block! There are plenty of things you can do that don't cost any money.

    Good luck!
  • SaintsGirl70124
    SaintsGirl70124 Posts: 4 Member
    15 min is a good place to start! Build up slow and steady. There's a great channel on youtube called FitnessBlender. They have hundreds of high quality workout videos from 10-90(!!!) min. Just do what you can, you'll eventually progress. There's a lot of trial and error, especially in the beginning. It takes time to find activities you will enjoy, and enjoyment is the key to being consistent (in my case anyway). Try sticking with 15-20min of any exercise, even just walking for 2 weeks. If you're watching what you eat, you will see a change, even if it's a small change, it is working. That can be great motivation too!
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    This is something that I also struggle with, on a daily basis. Our stats are very similar! You got this though. Doing little/short workouts are getting you moving. Maybe try walk videos? Go for a walk outside... around campus, etc. You're worth it!
  • niniundlapin
    niniundlapin Posts: 327 Member
    Like others said, choose what you like and stick to it. I understand how hard it could be, cuz I also spent a long period of time finding a workout routine I really like in the beginning when I just started. Have you tried Zumba or other dance-based cardio routine? I've seen a lot of those videos on YouTube and 30 min could easily be gone if you find those interesting! :smile:
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    15 minutes is great! Many of your peers can't or wouldn't do that. So, we are all here congratulating you for taking the first step into a new way of living. It will get easier.

    I've maintained my weight between 120 and 145 my whole life. With watching calories and with keeping my head in the game with exercising. I'm on here because I "maintained" at 135-145 for a decade, after menopause. I'm now 123 with some a** kicking help from everyone on MFP. It's so easy to follow the crowds into a sedentary life of over eating. Good for you for deciding that that path isn't for you.
  • Robo_mooh
    Robo_mooh Posts: 44 Member
    Im 23, and started around 187lbs. and it's been about 6 weeks now, and I've lost nearly 6 lbs. You can do it! Just stick at it.
  • EnduringEducator
    EnduringEducator Posts: 100 Member
    There's not much more to add to what everyone has already said. So many people speaking to you from their hearts and out of their experiences.

    Think about why you're doing this. Your reason will keep you going. Also, try to surround yourself with people who will encourage you. You're worth it!