Is anyone looking to maintain their weight and just get healthy??

I made this discussion to find others that are maintaining their weight or only loosing a few pounds. I haven't found many so far so I hope this helps! Feel free to share your story and tell about yourself!

A little about me. I am 22 years old. I am married and have a great husband and 6 year old son. For a while now, I have been feeling bad about myself. Although I'm not over weight or anything, I'm still not in shape and it makes me feel bad. So I decided to join myfitnesspal, start exercising and eating better. I currently weigh just under 131 but if I happen to loose a few pounds in the process, I won't complain!


  • erimethia_fekre
    erimethia_fekre Posts: 317 Member
    I'm Lindsey. I decided to rejoin in July because I had 35lb to lose after having my son. I lost all the weight plus some within 3 months by strict dieting and exercise (1750 cals a day; still averaged a 3lb loss a week). I rejoined because i cannot seem to maintain, just lose. I'm currently at 2600 cals a day (not exercising much; maybe yoga a few days a week) and still manage to lose a pound a week. I must be too active in general haha.

    I wanted to rejoin because I need to watch my fat and protein intake: I don't get enough of either. Plus it gets me to see my patterns and habits which helps me adjust more efficiently.

    I use to run. I hope to get back into that soon. I would have to eat 5000 cals a day minimum to maintain and my budget isn't there just yet.

    Great meeting you!
  • ipastorsally
    ipastorsally Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I'm Sally. I am 55 and after 6 years of trying different ways to count calories to get under 200 lbs (Dr's orders), I finally made my goal of 150 lbs. Fitness Pal has been an easy counter for me.

    I do home health care normally and was a pastor or chaplain when calls came, most short term from 6 months to a 18 months. So I'm fairly seditary at work. I'm looking for work that will allow me to be home at night and where people won't insist on feeding me their favorite sweets (ever wonder why there are so many obese clergy?).

    I started running in Sept. Doing 40 minutes for almost 3 miles every other day. I stopped when I took a live-in client who spent 6 weeks in the hospital to help him walk again after muscles atrophied. As of January, I get home on weekends, but spend that time cooking for the week, home cleaning needs, and catching up with family.

    My clergy colleagues believe I lost weight due to stress and have called me a liar when I say it was calorie counting and exercise. I'm angry at their false judgments. I'm so happy to be at a healthy weight and looking forward to seeing my Dr. again to celebrate the loss.

    I'm beginning yoga to keep running muscles stretched and looking forward to shoveling snow Saturday morning for my client before slowly heading home in the pending blizzard. I hope to go sledding with my grandson Saturday or Sunday before working with my client next week.

    I love to cook with fruit, make breads, and miss my cats (103 degree lap warmers). Oh yes, I love swimming laps, 1200 meters is my usual, and hike. And I read a lot to stay awake with clients that need constant supervision.

    Getting long, thanks for this thread. I plan to maintain less than 150 lbs and more than 135 lbs for life. And to tighten up my tummy a little more.

    Peace to all of us,
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Its what i did

    Getting healthier lost my weight and now maintaining

  • jhonen32629
    jhonen32629 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm Alex and I'm 24 years old. In May of 2012 I weighed 225 lbs. I lost around 75 pounds using Herbalife, bringing me down to 150. I currently weigh 151 lbs. In the beginning of my maintaining I kept losing weight, realizing it was because I was not eating enough.

    I feel I've found the perfect balance to maintain and not gain or lose weight. I run 3 miles 5 times a week and love it. I consume, on average, 2,400 calories daily. I burn around 383 calories through exercise.

    I feel I am very healthy, and my doctor agrees. My exercise is consistent and so is my healthy eating. I'm never worried about gaining the weight back because I don't want to go back to what I was. I like the new me too much :).