Finding the Balance

Hello! I'm NC.

I'm thrilled with my journey so far - it's crazy how easy this has been for me. I went LC at New Years in a very loose, organic way. I simply backed away from the processed carbs and starchy veggies, increased protein a bit and fat a lot. I found that I naturally settled between 40 and 50 net carb grams per day, and was most comfortable at the lower range. It was almost effortless. Based on that I've set my carb budget at 35 to 40, which I manage easily. I have absolutely no cravings.

I lost 9lbs in 2 weeks at the beginning. But I gained 2 of those back when I nearly quit because of the crazy dizzy spells. I already supplement vitamin D, but learned that extra sodium is necessary. Sure enough, 2 cups of broth per day and extra dashes of salt here and there did the trick. Unfortunately, the extra salt makes my ankles swell like crazy and I still have brain fog. If anyone knows a fix for this, please let me know. This is my only real problem.

My current focus is learning how to get in a bit more protein and lower my overall calorie intake. I look forward to learning from and sharing with everyone.

Bright Blessings!