12kg lost, working of overall fitness!

Sarahj_692 Posts: 6 Member
edited January 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys, I'm Jamie, 23, and I'm from the Uk! (I've been watching far too much Blind Date :lol: )

I'm a keen Fitbiter (20k - 27k steps a day) and I'm looking to work on overall strength and health after loosing 12kg.

I stated work in a bakery 5 years ago, and never bothered to make a packed lunch, because of the range of sandwiches and food on sale. However last year I decided enough was enough, and switched to a healthier diet.

I have been working out at the gym 3-4 times a week (depending on work shifts) since November, however I'm still not familiar with all the free weights and a couple of the fixed weight machines, due to anxiety over not knowing what I'm doing.
I am trying to push myself though, because I'll be damned if I'm going to let anxiety waste anymore of my time!