Found the motivation to do it again... already 26 pounds in 22 days... just the beginning.

I had lost 135 pounds previously but then got injured and lost motivation completely. Didn't care about exercise or what I was eating. Fell into deep depression.

My life changed amazingly. I got a new job, a great new outlook on life, and decided to work on my body again. I reminded myself I knew how to do this, and made myself that new year's resolution.

For extra motivation, I found Healthy Wage and made myself a bet. When I lose 80 pounds in 9 months, I'll get paid nearly $2,000 for my accomplishment. I expect to totally blow that goal out of the water.

I've been working out a lot, eating very low carb, and moving forward, one step at a time. I can't wait to see the huge results. It's great how life changes in small ways, like not having to buy clothes at the huge & embarrassing store. I decided not to hide behind any of my insecurities and announced it to the world on my old cooking blog Cook Flavor and there's no going back now.

Commitment and desire are driving me forward. I wish the people in my life were less skeptical and more supportive. Even after 26 pounds in 22 days, I keep hearing, "yeah, but is it just going to come back, yo-yo style". The nay sayers are much harder to deal with than I expected. I just have to remember that I'm doing it for myself and those that don't believe, don't matter.

Anyway, I hope everybody here has great success, and I look forward to finding inspiration and motivation within this board.



  • Gogohobbs
    Gogohobbs Posts: 31 Member
    You can do it!! I have herniated a disk and have not done much for 5 months..
    I know about what you are saying