Tracking the TYPES of food we've eaten

I found this site a week ago and love it! I have a question for those who have been here longer.

Along with tracking my calories, I would love a way to track my fruits and veggies, dairy products, grains and meats. I'm from Canada and am trying to stick to Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating and get the daily requirement of each if I could. I realize there is a food diary here and I could just look at what I've eaten so far, but it would be nice to have something that says '3 more fruits or veggies to go', just like it tracks calories and how many more you have left.

I just wanted to know if this has been brought up before to MFP and what came of it? If not I would like to e-mail MFP and let them know about the idea. Thanks everyone!


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    This could get difficult as this site isn't only used by Canadians, or Americans, and each Food Pyramid is different. You could just look up what measurements/amount of fruits, grains, etc. equal a serving & write it in your notes. I did that when I was trying to eat more veggies & fruits.

    PS - This would go into the Website Suggestions/Feedback section of the message boards.
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    That is a really good idea, like a ticker, but instead of calories it tells you eat more veggies! Love it. I would definitely suggest that if I were you.
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    :bigsmile: I love this idea! You could manually set the # of fruits, veggies, grains, dairy, etc. you were shooting for and it could count it down along the top or something. Great idea! I've wondered myself about a way to track that without scanning my diary everytime. It would also be a helpful report to see how many/which days I consumed more of a certain type and then go to that day to review the entire entry.
    LOVE IT!