Motivation Problems


How do you guys manage to keep your workout commitment??

I tried so often to start and restart my workout regime but I always quit after 1-2 months.
Usually because there is no time, or I have no fun, or getting up to go to the gym is just a hassle or something like that..

I did these cycles of starting and stopping of workout a lot

read quite a few books on the subject but mostly its:
make a plan and keep it (thats the prob)
set SMART goals (yeah yeah I KNOW!)
or something like this

= no help :/

do you guys try workout at home?
= easier to keep?

do you guys tried hypnosis cds ?
did it work?


  • melindat72
    melindat72 Posts: 3 Member
    What has helped me is that I love to read, so when I am on the treadmill I read a book. I workout on the treadmill for 45 min. a day. The only time I can read is when I am working out. It keeps me going especially if I am reading a good book.
    Could you do this on the bike?
    Workout buddy?
  • crimmels
    crimmels Posts: 2 Member
    I use the Pact app on my iPhone. You say that you will work out X amount of times a week, and you can use a variety of apps to verify that you have. If you meet your commitment, it pays you money (as in, real money that is connected to a Paypal account). If you DON'T, you lose money. Studies show that losing money is a more of an incentive than making money.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    First, I got my mind right about what I needed to achieve a goal. Then started with mini goals..And yes that included getting out of bed to workout. Then I decided that I liked to workout. You really got to do something you like or set realistic goals that are not totally unattainable.

    My determination and commitment to see results was all that I needed. Once mini goals were achieved, then moderate goals were set. So what you read about setting goals is spot on.

    I do workout at home. I spent small amounts of my pay check each month on equipment last year and now I have a fully stocked gym.

    I don't think I could be hypnotized, I think I would laugh the entire time someone tried to put me under.. LOL

    Here is the deal, no one, not no one can motivate you but you. I can look to others for inspiration and feed off of that, but in the end, it is all up to YOU...
  • buff_daddy
    buff_daddy Posts: 14 Member
    Truth about motivation is that unless you truly are honest with yourself, it only lasts temporarily. Be honest, example I truly want to loose weight because I want look good in my clothes and I like the attention and compliments. I also really enjoy the change in my body, actually I'm addicted to seeing the change. First start off by educating yourself, find a accountability partner and slowly implement the exercise routine bit by bit. Also working out us only about 1% of the challenge, your diet plans a major role in your bodies composition.
  • buff_daddy
    buff_daddy Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck and remember educating yourself is key!
  • jessicaloves7
    jessicaloves7 Posts: 30 Member
    eraser51 wrote: »

    How do you guys manage to keep your workout commitment??

    I tried so often to start and restart my workout regime but I always quit after 1-2 months.
    Usually because there is no time, or I have no fun, or getting up to go to the gym is just a hassle or something like that..

    I did these cycles of starting and stopping of workout a lot

    read quite a few books on the subject but mostly its:
    make a plan and keep it (thats the prob)
    set SMART goals (yeah yeah I KNOW!)
    or something like this

    = no help :/

    do you guys try workout at home?
    = easier to keep?

    do you guys tried hypnosis cds ?
    did it work?

    Let me ask you this.

    How do you think about working out? What are the first things that come to mind?

    Do you think about it as work? Like a chore? Like... well I guess I HAVE to do this to get X. Do you think of your body as this other "thing" that you are trying to tune up?

    Or do you think about it as an engaging time when your mind and body can engage with each other? Build awareness and feeling, trust - a bond? Are you striving for wholeness?

    I think this is one of the key paradigms that differentiates long term success from those short term burnouts - because willpower can only ever get you so far.

    I am still on the wrong side of thinking about exercise as a chore - but I am working to undo that every day in the same way I am eating to become more whole.

    Good luck!

  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    How do you motivate yourself to pay bills, or brush your teeth, or go grocery shopping? Do that. The last time I checked none of those things were particularly fun, but nobody gets let off the hook for being a voting adult who can't get motivated to brush their teeth or thinks paying bills is too much of a hassle.