Is there any way to change your weekly weightloss goal on MFP?

Right now im trying to lose 45 pounds, one pound per week. If i want to lose more could i change that up here?


  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 657 Member
    Go to the tab "my home", then "goals". There is a small blue link called "view guided set-up".
  • shadows2424
    shadows2424 Posts: 179 Member
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Addendum: If you were, for example, to change your goal to lose 2lbs per week, which is the maximum allowed by MFP, you may not lose 2 lbs per week. The loss is calculated by subtracting your calorie intake from what you burn in a day (and then adjust by adding exercise) and since MFP will not allow a female to go below 1200 calories per day as their goal, it will simply set you at 1200 if the math works out lower. So when you change it, note the bright red text at the bottom of the page that says something along the lines of "We project you will lose X lbs per week".

    As an example, when I had mine set to lose 2 lbs per week, that would have made my daily goal 968 calories. Since MFP will not allow me to go below 1200, it simply set me at 1200 and said "We project you will lose 1.5lbs per week".

    I just don't want you to get blindsided if you set it to two only to find it's actually only gonna give you 1.5. To be fair though, you shouldn't eat less than 1200, so annoying as this is, it's for all our safety. You can always add activity (log exercise) to make up the difference if you so desire.