The 2016 Journey

T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
Hi all. Just your average guy here, one wife :P of 26 yrs, one son 15, one dog 11mnths black lab, one cat of unknown origin :wink: (rescue) - black also, and 2 black an obscure town in PA. That about sums me up!
Composition - nearly 51 yrs old, 5'9" tall, 190lbs shooting for 165lbs 'ish'.

On to the questions!

I'm targeting 1450 calories. that may be good or slightly off, but my research lands me there for a semi-aggressive weight loss plan.

I exercise about 5 days a week doing currently a mild version of HIIT for 30 minutes. Fitbit wearer gets me near a 320 calorie burn.

Curious regarding whether I should be eating for "net calories" after exercise or eat my 1450 and let my burn just be that, extra deficit. Many times after the day is done I've earned an extra 800 to 1600 calories from exercise which seems off to me. Can it be as simple as just eating for your target 1450 calories (good calories in proper portions edging towards high protein has been my mantra)?

I am never hungry so adding calories based upon what I want to eat which is non processed foods to include fruit, veggies, protein is actually thought provoking because i don't want to blow my efforts. Most of those foods are low calorie so i'd need heaps of veggies to add up to much of anything.

thanks for any tips.
