Hi from Arkansas!

I've been using MFP for a while, on and off, but this is my first dive into the message boards. I'm kind of a message board addict, so this is familiar territory for me.

I'm Jessica, wife and mother of 2 (ages 5.75 and 3.5). I'm an OT 2 days a week, and a SAHM who home schools the rest of the time. DH and I are both "on" right now and both losing (him a lot faster than me- how is that fair?!? ;) ).

My highest weight was about 207. I'm down to 194 as of today, so 13lbs down. My ultimate goal is in the 150 range, so I have a ways to go, but I have smaller goals along the way. The first one will be here in 2 weeks- 190 by the time we leave for our 10th anniversary vacation July 15th. With only 4lbs to go, I'm pretty confident I'll get there. My plan is to not gain while on vacation, and get right back at it when we get home. I still want to track my food while gone. I'm just not going to stress about going over a bit. I'm not going to eat like a pig for a whole week or anything.

This time if different than all the times I've used MFP before. I'm actually sticking with it to the point that it's habit now. I've never gotten the eating piece and the exercise piece together, but I have this time. We got a treadmill in Jan, and I've been running/walking religiously, at least 4x a week. My motivation to running is that I get to eat more when I do! I exercise to earn those calories back!

So that's me in a nutshell! I look forward to being a part of this community! I've already been motivated by all of the before and after pics I've seen!


  • jess71903
    jess71903 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm going to reply to my own thread here. I've gotten a couple of friend requests since posting (thank you!). Please don't be offended if I decline. My only MFP friend is my hubby right now, and I haven't decided if I want to change that or not.