what does a typical week of working out look like



  • level3tjg
    level3tjg Posts: 21 Member
    P90X3 in the mornings and 30 minutes of cycling in the evenings.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited January 2016
    Sunday: Upper Body Power-Bench, Barbell Row, Incline DB bench, Overhead Press, Lat Pull Down, Barbell curl, Skull Crushers.
    Monday: Lower Body Power-Squat, Deadlift, Leg Press, Hip Thrust
    Wednesday: Upper Hypertrophy-Incline Barbell Bench, DB flyes, Cable Row, DB Row, DB lateral raises, DB curl, Cable Tricep Extension
    Friday: Lower Hypertrophy-Front Squat, Barbell lunge, Good Mornings, sometimes Leg Extension, lighter Hip Thrusts, Cable Pull Throughs

    I basically skip calves because they are huge already.

    All lifting, sessions about 1.5 hours each. No cardio. 10-15 min. abs twice per week
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    everyday (weather above 35 degrees cause i live in the south and dont do cold) - up to 3 mile jog
    m,w,f - 45-60 minutes cardio (arc trainer or elliptical) and about 30 minutes of strength training (before cardio)
    t,th - 60 minutes cardio

    those are all averages and not set in stone, but its pretty routine for me. in the summer im in the pool every afternoon but dont count it as exercise
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I love seeing people's real life routines! Thank you all for answering, and thanks to the OP for asking...

    Right now this is what I do:
    - Get 100k steps a week. I can't do a cookie cutter 15k a day so I have some 10k days, some 15k, and a few in the 20's. About half come from being a school sub and the other half come from fitness walking & hiking. About 80% of my walking is steady state fat burning type activity & 20% is true cardio when I hill climb or take some running sprints. I don't take a rest day from 10k steps unless I am truly sick or in transit for travel. I have a weekend job too, but I'm in a 500 mile hiking challenge for 2016 so when I want to do a long 10+ mile day of hiking I plan ahead & schedule a day off for myself.
    - 2 yoga classes a week, a Sunday afternoon one for 90 minutes and a Tuesday sunrise one for 60. They occasionally leave me a little sore in a muscle group from strength work but mostly they are like Motrin. The 3-4 hours immediately following yoga are my most pain free of the week in my joints.
    - 2 dance based classes a week, Tuesday & Friday Zumba usually. High cardio for at least 30 of the class's 50 minutes, touching HIIT rates on the really fast bum shakes. The music is uplifting, so it's anti-depression, anti-winter blahs. And hopefully learning new dance steps is anti-Alzheimer's...
    - Currently just tucking in some body weight strength training from day to day around my house. Another teacher & I are talking about starting strong lifts 5x5 program together in our YMCA weight room. That will add 3 days of about 30 minutes at the Y. I'm fortunate to live catty corner to mine!
  • lmeywall
    lmeywall Posts: 3 Member
    I just started about 3 weeks ago so my focus has been cardio for the first month. Working full time and caring for a family, I've been hitting the treadmill for 30-60 minutes 6 times a week. Next month I'm hoping to add some strength training - although, I think I already do a lot with lifting a 25 lb 11 month old. :) start gradually and find something you can do easily and fun for you.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    Sunday work with my trainer 8:30-9:30 heavy lifting and HIIT 10:30-11:30 Yoga
    Monday Yoga
    Tuesday work with my trainer 8:30-9:30 heavy lifting and HIIT
    Wednesday Yoga
    Thursday work with my trainer 8:30-9:30 heavy lifting and HIIT
    Friday Physical Therapy
    Saturday Yoga
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Sunday- yoga, core, cardio
    Monday- yoga, chest, cardio
    Tuesday- yoga, legs
    Wednesday- yoga, arms/shoulders, cardio
    Thursday- yoga, core, cardio
    Friday- yoga, back, cardio
    Saturday- yoga, core, cardio

    As you can tell I'm big on yoga, core and cardio.

    Can you tell me the benefits of yoga? I'm actually thinking of joining a class


  • FiiiiFiiiFlowerTot
    FiiiiFiiiFlowerTot Posts: 102 Member
    i am so unregular with the gym, i do about 20-30 mins of cardio (bike or cross trainer) 3 or 4 times a week... yet i am loosing soo much weight, regularly and consistently !!!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I walk/hike 6-7 days per week, up to 3 miles.

    I was going to the gym three days per week for strength training, but for the last two weeks have done up to 90 minutes of yoga instead, plus some modified bodyweight exercises from New Rules of Lifting for Women/Strong. I didn't have the strength for most of his core/bodyweight exercises and can't do the lower body portions due to my knees.

    I had three conflicting strength training programs rattling around in my head, and decided to chuck them all for yoga for now.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    For me my current routine is:

    Insanity or yoga in the morn
    Insanity after work if not done in the morn
    Weightlifting every other day for 30min
    A walk/snowshoe/hike/cross country ski of anywhere from 2-4miles on the weekends, or if I have spare time or energy to burn.

    In the spring, summer and fall when I can have more garanteed time outside my schedule will look like this:

    Weed the garden
    Hike a bit(looking for bears)
    Weed the garden
    Hoe the gardens
    Load 300 straw/hay bales onto a trailer at chest hight
    Wander around the campground on the weekends
    Retrieve beer from camper fridge
    Pickup weights at least twice a week.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited January 2016
    Monday - treadmill or outdoor run 4 miles, 3 hours later strength training 45 - 60 min
    Tuesday - HIIT 30 minutes, 3 hours later strength training 45 -60 min
    Wednesday - treadmill our outdoor run 4 - 5 miles, 3 hours later strength training 45- 60 min
    Thursday - HIIT 30 minutes, 3 hours later strength training 45- 60 min
    Friday - HIIT 30 minutes, 3 hours later strength training, 45- 60 minutes
    Saturdday - long run from 5 - 7 miles, strengthing training 45 - 60 minutes
    Sunday - rest from all and usually laundry and house cleaning

    In the spring and summer and late fall 90% of all HIIT and running is done outside and drop the treadmill. My lifting routines change up about every 6 - 7 weeks.
  • vvento
    vvento Posts: 28 Member
    Currently to reach my March goals, I'll go 4 days a week focusing on my Squat goal. my overall goal is for 165-170lbs 10-15% bodyfat and 1RM PR on Squat: 315lbs, Deadlift: 405lbs, Flat Bench-Press:225lbs.

    Current: 171.8lbs, 15%BF, Squat:275, DL: 315, FBP: 185

    I've setup my routine for 3 five week focuses.

    1st 5weeks -focus Squat Goal
    Day 1: Squat 5x5 @245lbs + warmup sets, Incline Press 5x3 @175lbs + WU sets, Weighted Pull-Ups 5x5 @45 plate, ab routine and 5x10-12 Tricep routine

    Day 2: DeadLift 5x4 @ 315 +WU, Lat Pulldowns pause reps 5x10 @115, Squat Pause reps 5x5 @185, ab routine, bicep routine 5x10

    Day 3: Squat 5x5 @245lbs +WU, Lat Rows 5x5 @165, ab routine, OH Shoulder Press 5x10 @65, Leg Extensions AMRAP @70

    Day 4: Front Squat 5x10 @95 + WU, Lat Pulldowns Pause reps 5x10 @115, ab routine

    Days: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sunday

    depending on the day I will burn from 400-600 calories, off days i'll carb load a little but on work days i'll only eat back 1/2 my burned. not so much focused on the weight/fat loss until I start a shred routine for June. This is when I'll start incorporating more cardio on off days by Swimming, geeze do I miss it.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Sunday - Nothing
    Monday - SL5x5 + Pull Ups
    Tuesday - Swim with the kids at the Y
    Wednesday - Ski in the Winter, Ultimate in the spring/summer/fall
    Thursday - SL5x5 + Pull Ups
    Friday - Nothing
    Saturday SL5x5 + Pull Ups

    Add random walking and running as I see fit.
  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    thickneaa_ wrote: »
    what does your typical week of working out look like? like how many times do you go? do you do cardio everyday? weight lifting everyday? Also will weight lifting help weight loss?
    Body weight Training 4 days a week and running 3 days a week with 1 day off rest.
  • Acidique
    Acidique Posts: 119 Member
    Monday - 3.1 mile power walk
    Tuesday - 3.1 mile power walk
    Wednesday - Crossfit 60 minutes
    Thursday - 3.1 mile power walk
    Friday - 3.1 mile power walk
    Saturday - Crossfit 60 minutes
    Sunday - Rest
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Monday -walk
    Tuesday - circuit training
    Wednesday -walk
    Thursday -ohp/deadlift
    Friday -walk
    Saturday -squat/bench press
    Sunday -walk

    Just realized I listed the wrong thing for Sunday. That's a circuit day too.
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    This Week:

    Sunday - Weight Lifting (Deadlifts, Squats, Overhead Press)
    Monday - 30 minutes RPM Spin Class
    Tuesday - Weight Lifting (Squats, Bench Press, Rows)
    Wednesday - Break
    Thursday - 30 minutes RPM Spin Class
    Friday - Weight Lifting (Deadlifts, Squats, Overhead Press)
    Saturday - 1.5 hour yoga class

    *I alternate lifting days
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Sunday: Rest Day

    Monday: Legs - squats, leg press, lunges, romanian deadlifts, lying leg curls, standing calf raises, seated calf raises

    Tuesday: Shoulders, Traps and Abs - overhead press, dumbbell shoulder press, lateral raises, face pulls, reverse flyes, shrugs, front raises, leg raises, weighted decline crunches

    Wednesday: Rest Day

    Thursday: Back, Biceps and Calves - deadlifts, weighted pull ups, t-bar rows, single arm lat pull downs, seated rows, ez bar curls, incline curls, standing calf raises, seated calf raises

    Friday: Chest, Triceps and Abs - bench press, incline dumbbell press, low pulley cable flyes, close grip bench, dip machine, triceps pressdowns, leg raises, weighted decline crunches

    Saturday: Rest Day
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Bodyweight strength training every other day. 4 or 5 mile walk every day (2 mi in the AM, 2-3mi after dinner).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited January 2016
    Monday - 20 mile ride AM/Lifting PM
    Tuesday - 15 mile ride AM lots of hills
    Wednesday - 20 mile ride AM/Lifting PM
    Thursday - 20 mile ride AM
    Friday - rest/recovery
    Saturday - easy ride to gym, lift with trainer, easy ride home (about 16 miles round trip)
    Sunday - Long ride...but sometimes the honey do list takes precedent...so sometimes no ride and sometimes shorter ride.

    Keep in mind that weight loss is largely about consumption. Regular exercise can help make weight loss easier in that your body's energy requirements are exponentially greater than they would be otherwise...so basically you don't have to eat like a little birdie to lose weight...you can eat more and still accomplish the same goals.

    But is still comes down to how much you're consuming...I've done all of the above and lost weight, gained weight, and maintained weight....the difference between the three weight management objectives wasn't my exercise, it was how much I was eating.