Feeling LOST + pics



  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    What does it REALLY take?
    I'm 5'5", I weigh around 128-130lbs, and I would like to get somewhere around 120lbs (more concerned about body composition than weight though, of course.)

    I've lost 20lbs so far over the course of a few yearsgreat job!, but now that my body is in a pretty healthy range, I'm noticing it's very difficult to make progress. I've heard from everyone that the last 10lbs are incredibly difficult Sho' 'nuff so I'm wondering what kind of adjustments I need to make in order to make that happen.

    I've only started counting my macros for the past 4 days or so focus on this, but before that I eliminated sugar, dairy, and gluten for 10 days don't worry about these if you don't have medical reasons and/or allergies. continuing to hit macros on a regular basis within your calorie goal will be enough of a challenge. No reason to needlessly deprive yourself just for the sake of making it even harder (just for a personal challenge) and I got to 126. Water weight, I know, but is that the type of restriction I'll need to put in in order to make a serious transformation? No, your transformation will depend on you sticking to your calorie goal, meeting your macros (carbs, protein, fat) and your workouts. How many of your carbs come from sugar will make no difference to your transformation. Cutting sugar only works for weight loss when it becomes a mechanism for lowering calories below maintenance. Since you're already counting/restricting your calories anyway, there's no need to cut sugar. Your body won't grant you any bonus points for it. Eat what you like while meeting macros.

    I've been doing pilates/some HIIT for like 8 months or so and I feel like I've capped in terms of what progress bodyweight exercises can give me in this form, maybe, but probably not with a structured bodyweight resistance program. I want to get into lifting but I can't afford weights or a gym membership at the moment. Check out You Are Your Own Gym. It's a bodyweight program designed for resistance training without equipment.

    I currently eat around 1300-1400 cals, 30f/40c/30p, work out for 45-60 minutes a day 6 days a week (only 15-20 of that alotted to hiit). I have a hot lemon water every morning before breakfastonly do this if you like it. There's no science for this helping weight loss. it's a placebo. I drink 2L of water a day (not including lemonwater/green teas). I drink 1 cream 1 sugar in my coffee and I love pb+honey on some toast in the morning, I usually have an activia yogurt with flax every day, and otherwise stick to protein + veg based meals. If I hit my macros every day, even if my sugar content may be a little too high, is this enough to transform my body over time? Yes, hitting your macros while staying within calorie limits is all it takes (assuming your workouts are aimed at your goals as well) If not, what do you think I need to change? I know if I cut out sugar and bread and everything I could get down there relatively quick I'm sure, that's inaccurate. as long as you hit your calorie and macro goals, it doesn't matter where your carbs come from. whether you eat sugar with a 500 calorie deficit or eliminate sugar with a 500 calorie deficit, you'll lose one pound per week either way. but I know that's not a sustainable change for me. which is why i recommend against it. not only is it not necessary for your goals, it would be difficult to stick with anyway. Is there anyway I could compromise a bit? Absolutely! Just eat things you like while you adhere to your calorie limit, meet your macros and lift (body)weight. If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) then you're ok and on track!

    Thanks so much! You're very welcome!

    See my responses in bold. :)
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    I used to strength train 4x/week and limited cardio to about 3x/week but have switched it up a bit and now do more cardio than strength train. I've lost about 4 lbs in three weeks and that is the only change I've made so I think it's working.

    Bottom line: switch up your fitness routine.

    Yeah I think while I can't hit the weights just yet it'll probably help if I at least add more HIIT to my routine. Thanks

    HIIT, done properly (enough intensity to be HIIT), should require at least a day or two of recovery before repeating. For many, it's a once per week activity.
    I'd recommend incorporating a structured bodyweight strength routine in place of some of the cardio.
    Let the calories you eat guide the weight you lose and let the workouts focus on health and body composition (building muscle through resistance).
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Also, though you didn't specifically ask about a flat stomach (which is what this thread deals with) I think the info given in the OP here would really help steer you toward what your goals seem to be.
  • motivatekait
    motivatekait Posts: 90 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Also, though you didn't specifically ask about a flat stomach (which is what this thread deals with) I think the info given in the OP here would really help steer you toward what your goals seem to be.

    While I don't necessarily agree with the notion that what you eat is completely trivial so long as you meet your macros, I appreciate all the advice :)
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    You look so great!!

    There are really difficult bodyweight exercises, so do check out the programs people suggest. Can you do 'push ups' in a handstand position? If not, you haven't exhausted bodyweight lifing yet :grin: And do make sure it's progressive, yes, so when you can do something there should be a harder goal that follows next, on a schedule. Weights are just much simpler to progress with, imho.
  • FabianRodriguez94
    FabianRodriguez94 Posts: 221 Member
    That's amazing progress! For a true transformation, I'm sure you got the answer to achieving that. Lifting heavy. While I do not support planet fitness, I do think that if you are near one then you should probably try to sign up so that you can have easy access to the dumbbells and some machines. Lifting something is better than nothing. And I hear they are pretty cheap.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    edited January 2016
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Also, though you didn't specifically ask about a flat stomach (which is what this thread deals with) I think the info given in the OP here would really help steer you toward what your goals seem to be.

    While I don't necessarily agree with the notion that what you eat is completely trivial so long as you meet your macros, I appreciate all the advice :)

    Assuming you're also getting your micros (vitamins and minerals) it's a scientific fact that it really doesn't matter where your macros come from so long as you meet them.
    There is no credible scientific evidence to suggest otherwise.

    ETA: and you're welcome!!