Navy Veteran, looking to lose 55 pounds!

Hello everyone! I am new to the community.

I just completed a four year enlistment in the Navy on board the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70).

In my last year of active duty, I gained 35 pounds due to a very inactive job (sitting at a desk for 13 hours, 5 days a week) and a stressful divorce didn't help.

Now that I'm out (of marriage and the military, woo hoo!) I'm looking to lose weight, and get healthy, and would love to make some new friends to share support with!

We can do this!

*EDIT: I know it says I've been here since Nov 2012, but I made an account and never used it (I lost a lot of motivation). Now I'm getting serious and motivated! :)


  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    welcome home and welcome to MFP. Thank you for your service and I would be proud to have you add me to your friend list. Not sure if I can help a lot or not but I'll try. Best wishes to you and you'll take it off I have no doubt about that.
  • CandiesAndSweets
    CandiesAndSweets Posts: 167 Member
    Welcome!! I've been off of the site for months. But have decided on a comeback as well. We can do IT!! :)