Fitness Tracker Connection - Too many calories?

Hi there!
I've been using a Jawbone fitnesstracker (first the UP24, then UPmove, now UP2) for a while now and I've connected it to MFP a few weeks ago. It syncs fine and everything but I noticed that when I get prompts from the Jawbone app asking me if I was active and when I enter said activity, I get a lot more calories than I would if I didn't enter anything.

Today, for example, I went on a 1.5 h walk (briskly and there's snow out, so it wasn't exactly a stroll in the park). MFP (through Jawbone) gave me 516 calories for that but once I enter the activity correctly, I suddenly got 769 calories.

Now, does this mean that I shouldn't enter activities because it gives me too many or does it mean I should enter activities because that way, the calories are calculated better because there's more data as to type of activity, strain, etc.?