Cutting weight

Hey guys. I'm 5'10" and about 210 right now. I want to start cutting weight. I'm getting married next summer and I want to be shredded. I do a lot of walking at my job, roughly about 5-6 miles a day. On top of eating good, how much cardio should I be doing to lose this stubborn fat.

I also do a 4 day work out at my home gym, then a day or 2 rest then go again.



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,328 Member
    Weight loss comes primarily from eating at a calorie deficit. If you entered your information on MFP when you started, it gave you are calorie goal. That will cause you to lose weight. Cardio gives you more calories to eat. Strength training will help maintain the muscle you have. The calorie deficit is what will get rid of the fat.
  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member
    Weight loss comes primarily from eating at a calorie deficit. If you entered your information on MFP when you started, it gave you are calorie goal. That will cause you to lose weight. Cardio gives you more calories to eat. Strength training will help maintain the muscle you have. The calorie deficit is what will get rid of the fat.

    Yup. Keep lifting and eat less. Getting shredded/toned/ripped/jacked all just means removing fat from on top of the muscles and building/maintaining more muscle bulk.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    You want to cut fat while eating at a calorie deficit, i.e. shred fat. Right?

    You will not get a ripped physique while eating at a calorie deficit but you can indeed maintain your current muscle mass and build a wee bit of muscle, this is what I call newbie gains at first (maybe within the first 6 weeks and then that tapers off).

    As far a cardio, this is up to you. Remember you do not have to do cardio to loose weight, it is all about the deficit. So you can do cardio daily, several times a week, or how ever you want, but definitely keep the lifting up and define your cardio around that.