How honest are you with MFP food tracking?



  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    Everything- to the best of my ability.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Everything- to the best of my ability.

    This, for me, too. I am 100% honest in my food logging, which translates to 80-90% accuracy. For example, I ate at a buffet yesterday. Took pictures of my plated food (bonus, food porn, lol), and logged it once at home to the best of my ability. Not purposefully overestimated, and not underestimated to "protect" my feelings or ego.

    For me, it's a balance of accuracy, practicality, ability, and flexibility. But always 100% honest. Leaving personal feedback in the Food Notes section to explain estimations helps me, too.
  • vvento
    vvento Posts: 28 Member
    I log everything to the best of my ability, realistically everyone has binge days. I log it too so that I remember that I'm human and deserve to 'TREAT YO SELF' everyone now and then. I have an overall goal but realize that I'm not on a timeframe and want the goal to be realized so I still track it.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Brutally honest. And use a food scale when at home to keep my visual estimates honest for when I'm out.
    Everything- to the best of my ability.

    This, for me, too. I am 100% honest in my food logging, which translates to 80-90% accuracy. For example, I ate at a buffet yesterday. Took pictures of my plated food (bonus, food porn, lol), and logged it once at home to the best of my ability. Not purposefully overestimated, and not underestimated to "protect" my feelings or ego.

    I do the same with taking a photo food diary while out. It's also useful for when you wake up the next morning to this and can't quite remember everything you ate and drank.

  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    What a great thread. I just belatedly logged what I ate yesterday that I had "forgotten " to log at the time. I was being lazy and kind of hoped I would forget that I "forgot". Of course I went significantly over my calorie goal for the day and my weight is up. If I keep this up I may as well give up my desire to lose weight. So back I go to log the three potato chips, spoon of peanut butter and cup of non-fat hot chocolate I snacked on at work.

    Seriously, this sneaky behavior got me in trouble in the first place. I may think I fooled my brain but not my butt!
  • IsaCaliBel
    IsaCaliBel Posts: 99 Member
    This is the exact reason I used to keep my dairy private. I was more honest with my food when I was the only one seeing it.
  • Spook_Nuke_Em
    Spook_Nuke_Em Posts: 408 Member
    I'm Abe Lincoln status down to the ketchup. Lol

    I even track when I've ate something hella bad because then I can see why I strive to not do that.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Brutally honest. And use a food scale when at home to keep my visual estimates honest for when I'm out.
    Everything- to the best of my ability.

    This, for me, too. I am 100% honest in my food logging, which translates to 80-90% accuracy. For example, I ate at a buffet yesterday. Took pictures of my plated food (bonus, food porn, lol), and logged it once at home to the best of my ability. Not purposefully overestimated, and not underestimated to "protect" my feelings or ego.

    I do the same with taking a photo food diary while out. It's also useful for when you wake up the next morning to this and can't quite remember everything you ate and drank.


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    The thing is your body doesn't care if you log it or not,

    MFP doesn't care if you log it or not

    it is only yourself and your goals you cheat

    This ^
  • Elvirka_xoxo
    Elvirka_xoxo Posts: 58 Member
    Brutally honest. And use a food scale when at home to keep my visual estimates honest for when I'm out.
    Everything- to the best of my ability.

    This, for me, too. I am 100% honest in my food logging, which translates to 80-90% accuracy. For example, I ate at a buffet yesterday. Took pictures of my plated food (bonus, food porn, lol), and logged it once at home to the best of my ability. Not purposefully overestimated, and not underestimated to "protect" my feelings or ego.

    I do the same with taking a photo food diary while out. It's also useful for when you wake up the next morning to this and can't quite remember everything you ate and drank.


    LOVE it!
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    I log everything, even on bad days - except on the random days or meals when I give up. If I do that, though, I delete all the entries for that day so that I don't kid myself into thinking I was accurate.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I really try to log EVERYTHING that i eat. I find that if i start not logging little things, like a squirt of mustard or a bite of my kids lunch....that i start ommitting bigger items which impacts my weight loss.
    GUARDiAN_GUiLD Posts: 163 Member
    edited January 2016

    This is how I do my calorie intake count. That up there is one breakfast. But I divided it into three pictures (just shut up, don't ask why). So if that breakfast was about 1500 calories altogether, then damn it I can divide that into three and believe that I only had 500 calories. Now I know that this explanation makes total sense and you're welcome in advance for the many thanks, but hey, this is what makes me feel good about my damn self -- this is what stops me from cwwwwyyyyyyyying in fwont of my bweaaakfast!

    I should be able to enjoy my damn breakfast! King Kong ain't got nothin' on me! Wait, sorry Denzel! :D
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member

    This is how I do my calorie intake count. That up there is one breakfast. But I divided it into three pictures (just shut up, don't ask why). So if that breakfast was about 1500 calories altogether, then damn it I can divide that into three and believe that I only had 500 calories. Now I know that this explanation makes total sense and you're welcome in advance for the many thanks, but hey, this is what makes me feel good about my damn self -- this is what stops me from cwwwwyyyyyyyying in fwont of my bweaaakfast!

    I should be able to enjoy my damn breakfast! King Kong ain't got nothin' on me! Wait, sorry Denzel! :D
    How many calories does styrofoam have? And it's FINE to divide your breakfast calories in thirds, as long as you log all the thirds!

  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    Who would I be hiding it from? Myself? I could lie to make my diary look pretty, but I still know I ate it. Logging is only going to work if you do it. Not play games by doctoring it up.

  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Brutally honest . . . because being honest with myself is where whole reason I lot to begin with.

    Sneaking food when others weren't looking and lying to myself about what went into my mouth is a large part of what got me and kept me 50+ for so much of my life. It was not a pleasant thing to learn about myself at all.

    I realized that no matter what I told myself or others about what I did or didn't eat, my body knew better and exposed me for the big fat liar I was.