Desperate for help

Hi guys. I've lost 15lbs using this App since last summer and I love the app and the people. I have Crohn's disease so I need exercise every day to keep my digestion in track. I do injections but in addition I am super active. I try to be strict about my diet but I'm not, medicine and activity are enough to keep me in check. In 4 weeks I am having surgery on my ankle, and for 8 weeks I'm out of activity. What do I do to keep active ? What can I do for Cardio ? I need something, my stomach won't handle sedentary lifestyle. Any suggestions ? Thank you !!!


  • rebeccaj822
    rebeccaj822 Posts: 92 Member
    I worked out during recovery from a combined broken foot, ankle ligament tear while in a walking cast. I did recumbent cycling for cardio, floorwork, upper body weights. It can be done! Good luck with the surgery.
  • skippygolunks2014
    skippygolunks2014 Posts: 10 Member
    I hope you don't do anything without your surgeon's okay. I think walking is always a good idea once the anethesia is out of your system. Just take it slowly so you don't hurt your surgery results.
  • rebeccacrafthq
    rebeccacrafthq Posts: 1 Member
    TRX home system! It's a great and an incredibly flexible piece of equipment.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Insufficient data. specify Age, height, weight, percent body fat, current calorie intake, and goal/s.