Looking for Moms of lots of kids....i have 4



  • gardnercranston
    gardnercranston Posts: 12 Member
    I have 3 kids six and under. Personally, I've never had any luck losing weight during my babies' first year, between nursing and lack of sleep, I never made it to the gym and didn't make healthy choices. Once my kids were one and not nursing and sleeping better, I would start going to the gym at 5 in the morning since it was the only time I can get it in before work. I would lose a bit, then get pregnant again. My third is my last, and I've been going to the gym almost every morning and eating A LOT better- I've lost over 60 lbs in the past 7 months or so. Logging food and paying attention to serving sizes was very helpful. I aim for about 50 minutes of cardio 6 days a week. For me, I had to make losing weight and getting healthy a priority, which is tough with small kids and working full time, but it's so worth it!
  • karlis87
    karlis87 Posts: 111 Member
    I have 3 boys. 4,3 and 1. I lost it all after the first easily, lost it all after the second with a ton Of hard work. Still have 15 lbs to go with number three. I don't know why it's been so much harder this time around. Add me. I'd love to have parent friends. :)