Is impossible to exercise at home



  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I involve my kids! I have bear crawl races with them. They love to get on me while I do squats. My older one will count while I'm holding v pose. I lay my toddler down and do push ups over him and kiss him on the way down. My kids love working out with me.
    GUARDiAN_GUiLD Posts: 163 Member
    Do you have any extra rooms or an office you're not using? Start building your own exercise room. Pretty soon it'll build up and you'll end up buying commercial equipment and putting them in your backyard (lol). And if you have wooden floors, make sure you layer rubber/foam mats like the ones they have at the real gyms. They're very cheap and you can buy them at Sports Chalet or Big 5 or those types of places.

    Watch, you'll have your own mini-gym or whatever in your house in a few months. Before you know it, your friends will start coming over more often and you can charge them for membership fees :D . Maybe even convert your garage into one of these exercise rooms. Most of us who live in the suburbs park in our driveways 90% of the time anyway.

    If I were you, I'd start with the installation of speakers at each corner of a room and just dance for an hour to some Kylie Minogue or whatever music you're into and just have some time for yourself. Or not. I don't know. Do what you want. Lol.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I work out at home all the time. I would suggest after that go to bed or in the morning before they get up. I work out at 4:30am before anyone else is out of bed.
  • 3AAnn3
    3AAnn3 Posts: 3,054 Member
    Nap time or after they're in bed or in the morning before they wake up. Or carry the baby in a backpack and let the 3 year old work out with you or put them both in a stroller or hand them to the hubs, say adios and go work out.
  • 3AAnn3
    3AAnn3 Posts: 3,054 Member
    Hfeff wrote: »
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    When my daughter was younger, I would wake up at 5am and go out walking for an hour and some change before hubby had to be up and out to work at 7.
    Then she started back up in preschool for 4 hours 3x a week and I'd go hiking a mile from the preschool and come back in time to pick her up.
    She's now 7 and in school and I have a baby that just turned 12 months. I put her into the drop-in free babysitting at the YMCA and I go workout for 45mins-hour.

    Can you join a gym that provides free childcare? It really works wonders. It gives you some much needed "me" time and without distractions.

    When I went to the gym with baby sitting My son refused to stay and I got called back to the room because he was inconsolable.

    Also, don't give up. Keep trying. My youngest screams in terror when I leave, but has gotten better. It took persistence though. Now, she screams when I walk out, then just sits next to the child care worker and builds blocks. Last time I went, she was even starting to interact with other kids. This took like 15 different times of going though, and being called out early the first few times.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Hfeff wrote: »
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    When my daughter was younger, I would wake up at 5am and go out walking for an hour and some change before hubby had to be up and out to work at 7.
    Then she started back up in preschool for 4 hours 3x a week and I'd go hiking a mile from the preschool and come back in time to pick her up.
    She's now 7 and in school and I have a baby that just turned 12 months. I put her into the drop-in free babysitting at the YMCA and I go workout for 45mins-hour.

    Can you join a gym that provides free childcare? It really works wonders. It gives you some much needed "me" time and without distractions.

    When I went to the gym with baby sitting My son refused to stay and I got called back to the room because he was inconsolable.

    Since you say you work full time, taking the kids to the gym in the evening to live them with a sitter, it does not sound very realistic. Most babies and young kids would be upset. Either go to the gym without the kids, or find some type of class/activity that involves the kids. Maybe a long walk when you get home, with the baby in a carrier?
    GUARDiAN_GUiLD Posts: 163 Member
    edited January 2016

    Also have a Powerhouse regular bench and one fitted with preacher curls down in the garage, plus some dumb bells. Next will be a REAL squat rack. New set of plates with stoppers and some thicker rubberized mats for deadlifts.

    Install some speakers and maybe a TV on your wall and make sure you do NOT ever have HEAVIER racks/miscellaneous gym equipment in any 2nd floor room because well, common sense.

    I'm buying a new set of dumbbells this weekend when I get back. I'll still keep the gym memberships though because I do use plenty of the machines there. And basketball, and swimming, etc.

    I also live on a pretty steep hill where I do sprints when I feel like it.

  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member

    I'm green with envy right now, fab!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Unless you've specifically asked him to help, he may assume that you are ok with being interrupted, or he may not even be thinking about it. Do both of you a favor and spell it out for him, ask him to help you, and treat him like a rockstar when he does!
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Do it while they sleep. It's really the best way - if you can't or won't get up early in the morning, then do it at night. They must go to bed fairly early at that age.