Just want someone to talk to about there journey

I am very curious to hear about how others are starting there fitness journey or have staring and are continuing.


  • kelleymporter
    kelleymporter Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Lizset! I am doing a program and using programs/aps like this to help stay accountable, sometimes it is challenging when you are working out at home to stay with it. Which is why I like the accountability part from these apps.
  • Toronto6fan
    Toronto6fan Posts: 418 Member
    I just started a few weeks. tracking the food a big one for me. Makes me think twice about putting it in my mouth if I have to write it down. I'm walking and doing light weights for fitness.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Back 10 years ago (before MFP) I weighed 220lbs at 5'2". I began around 2006 trying fad diets, 6 week boot camps, Atkins, 3 day detox...you name it, I tried it. I'd always lose but gain it back. In spring 2008 finally joined a gym, started losing weight with some success. Got under 200. I kept hitting plateaus, couldn't get under 185.

    In fall 2012, someone introduced me to MFP. I began logging and it helped. I loss more and more weight. When I got it the 150s around 2013-14 I stopped logging. Last year I started putting the weight back on...No accountability.... so here it is Jan 2016 and I'm back. Already down 5lbs and looking to stick with it. This works as long as you're honest with yourself. Log everything..accomplishments and failures and you'll be alright.
  • cherryjays15
    cherryjays15 Posts: 9 Member
    Add me !! :)
  • serenitywsu
    serenitywsu Posts: 22 Member
    I'm starting because of a 12-week fitness program for a scholarship that my school is offering. Feel free to add me! I'm trying to lose some weight, but mostly gain fitness!
  • CarboUnload
    CarboUnload Posts: 30 Member
    I guess I am a bit past starting, but I feel like everyday is a chance to start something that you've never done before, right? I officially started tracking again November 2, after being the heaviest that I have ever been this past summer. The accountability is fantastic, and now that I was gifted a FitBit, I'm really started to see how my hard work turns into weight loss/strength. Now, thinking about what I eat and how I move my body is starting to become second nature and I am gaining valuable insight into mindfulness. I'm learning also that being unhealthy/overweight starts with your brain over anything else. Also, I am lucky enough to be able to regularly see a therapist that is very supportive of my goals.

    If you want to add me, feel free! I always like meeting new people.
  • beatyfamily1
    beatyfamily1 Posts: 257 Member
    I started trying to lose weight in February of 2015. My highest weight was 300 pounds. I started with replacing some foods with healthier versions. I started cooking at home instead of eating out. Then I cut portions. I started doing research on nutrition because I didn't just want to lose weight but be healthy as well. I started walking and then I invested in a treadmill so I could get some exercise in at home. It was a slow process because I understood that I needed to eat under a certain amount of calories, but I didn't know that those calorie calculators don't account for the deficit needed to lose the weight. I lost some weight, but it could have been more if I was on MFP a lot earlier. I had a personal trainer, but he wanted me to do things that was way out of my physical ability. I didn't continue with the personal trainer. Now I'm on MFP. I have a food scale and that is what's helping me continue to lose the weight. Now I'm at 236 pounds and still going.