feeling demotivated

I've only been at MFP for 2 weeks. A few years ago I lost a lot of weight using it, and running a lot.

I still run but less (two children now! ) And have been strict at logging everything. Yet today I've put on 3 lbs. So in total, I've only lost 1lb in 2 weeks. I'm gutted and think maybe nothing will work for me.

Arghhhhhhhh :/


  • ashbee79
    ashbee79 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in the same boat!
    I feel for you. Hang in there! Let's keep going!

    My biggest problem is when I dont see progress I feel bad and start eating more. I hope to not do that this time!
  • jennaatsuad
    jennaatsuad Posts: 35 Member
    This can be frustrating, but try to look at it objectively - unless you went over your calories by more than 10,000 yesterday, you did NOT gain 3 pounds in one day. Maybe you ate too much salt and are retaining water. If you are logging accurately and eating at a deficit, then you'll likely have a big loss in an upcoming week that will make your average look more like what you're expecting. Keep at it!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I went up 1.5 pounds overnight and didn't overeat my calories yesterday. It happens. Be patient and the weight will go down over time. This is the "weight loss isn't linear" thing you might have read about on the forums before.