Help! Muscle soreness..



  • Wendy77685
    Wendy77685 Posts: 27 Member
    edited February 2016
    I like to do yoga sometimes on the days I am not using weights. The stretching helps with my soreness
  • rontafoya
    rontafoya Posts: 365 Member
    Foam roll before and after your workouts.

    This. You can additionally get a la crosse ball (small, hard ball) and use that to pinpoint sore spots. Foam rolling is the best.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    First workout, first time doing a new exercise or first time back after a break will always give you soreness. Some people seem to get it worse than others. I am one of those people. I've just been on holidays for a month and getting back into working out. Can barely walk from my workout on Sunday. As your body adjusts it will get less extreme. Any of the firsts that I just mentioned for me can hurt for 3-6 days. Normal soreness after my body has adjusted is usually only 1-2 days and nowhere near as bad.

    Things you can do: eat a balanced diet and plenty of protein, get lots of sleep and stay hydrated. Ease into your exercise routine, avoid exercises that emphasise the eccentric/lengthening portion of the exercise (lunges, pec flys etc.) as these are known to create soreness.

    Things that might help: hot bath, ice bath, contrast therapy (hot to cold), various gels and creams (heat, ice, anti-inflammatory etc.), foam rolling/self release with a ball etc., massage, gentle active recovery (walking, riding, yoga), stretching/mobility work