Low sodium while traveling? Can it be done?

So, I travel a lot and I have some heart issues. I have been able to consistently get into hotels with gyms, so I am keeping up my exercise regiment. BUT, keeping to a low sodium diet seems impossible. Anyone care to weigh in on this???


  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    I am also on a low sodium lifestyle.

    Eating out, can be done, but it is tough. You will want to eat at restaurants that do not mass produce their food. In other words, if they made the tomato sauce just for you, you can ask that they not use salt. If they made a huge batch for the day, it will be filled with salt.

    You can ask you server to have the chef leave the salt out of your food. I do this, and have not had a problem with it. Everyone has been very accommodating when I ask them to leave out the salt. Of course, you need to watch out for the foods that have sodium in them, which do not include added salt.

    Oh, so much fun. :-)

  • ChrisJaeger2015
    ChrisJaeger2015 Posts: 6 Member
    That's what I have been doing, but it still seems a little difficult. Most chefs are accommodating, but I have run into a few jerks out there. I recently started just requesting a fridge and microwave in my room and started doing a little grocery shopping.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    Of all the dietary restrictions, I imagine sodium would be the toughest. Is it possible to book into hotels with a kitchenette so you can prepare your meals yourself? It might take some getting used to but eating out must make it really difficult to keep your sodium under control.
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    You're on the right track with having your own fridge and microwave and preparing food for yourself. I usually travel with my own oatmeal, cans of tuna, etc. I have a little travel kit for cooking, which includes a sharp knife, cutting board, silverware, plastic plates and bowls, spices, a few measuring spoons and a collapsible measuring cup.