Most Encouraging Phrases You've Heard From Your MFP Friends

What are some of the most encouraging words you've received from your MFP friends? I'm thinking, comments about your completing your diary, exercise calories burned, consecutive days logging, etc.


    GUARDiAN_GUiLD Posts: 163 Member
    Sent me this picture of what she wrote on the beach/sand while walking her dogs with "M***, u r strong, so proud of u' and signed it w/her name and date.

    Like, it made my day so much I don't even know how to thank this person.
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    Not from a MFP friend but I saw it on the forums and on a blog (can't remember whose it was), and it really helps me when I feel impatient. The gist is this: time will pass no matter what you do. In six months you can either be just as unfit as you are now (or worse), or you can have made progress towards better health.