Can my maintenance calories really be this high?

So, after maintain by guessing and not logging over Christmas, I decided to have a strict week this week. I logged everything, didn't eat too much and exercised a lot. Including my exercise calories (from HRM) and what I ate, 3500 calories per pound meant I should have lost 1.25lb. I lost 3. So the maths says I have a maintenance calorie amount of 2670. this is huge - can it be right?
FYI I'm 5'5", and about 121lb. I run / lift (mostly just kettlebells) / do HIIT circuits / cycle for 45-60mins a day, usually burning about 5-600cal. Average net cal this week was 1100 (average consumed 1600cal).


  • LCD_80
    LCD_80 Posts: 26 Member
    meant to say - I'm about at my ideal weight, so trying to figure out what to set my maintenance level at.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    You need to discard the data from the first week of going into a deficit.
    The numbers are always skewed by water weight loss and less food in your system.

    See how you get on in week 2 and week 3....

    2000 is often given as an average maintenance amount for a woman and you are doing far more exercise than average.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    No - 1500 maybe....
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    You want about a month's data to calculate TDEE. One week is not enough to know what is fat loss and what is normal fluctuations.

    I am 5'0" and 111 lbs, and my maintenance is about 2100 calories. I exercise about 9 hrs/week on average, combo of lifting, rock climbing, and roller derby.