Fitness beginners needs some advice :)

Hi all - I am just beginning my weight loss journey and have lost 8lbs since Monday 4th Jan which I am happy with. I have started to introduce some exercise to help (and also so that I get in to the habit of it) but would like some advice. I would like to think that my plan will make a difference to my health but if it's not enough I don't want to commit to too much, get fed up and give up so I am looking for balance. This is my current plan and what I hope to continue with if you think it is a good start. 40 mins treadmill Monday evenings (run/walk), 1 hr aerobics Weds, 1 hr zumba Sat. Will this actually make a difference to my fitness/weighloss or do I need to do more do you think? I am 5ft 3", currently 12stone 3 (171 lbs), medium build female. - Thanks


  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Too much Cardio! Pumping iron is the priority and comes first. Cardio is secondary and comes last.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    So any exercise you do will help. Just get out there and move. The more calories your burn the more you will lose. Just remember it all boils down to calories in and calories out. Keep your protein levels up and get some solid exercise in there to build muscle and tone! Good luck on your journey!
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    CDC recommends 2.5 hours/week of moderate intensity aerobic activity and 2x/week full body resistance training for improved health benefits.

    So yes, over 2.5 hours of cardio workouts will benefit your health. It may or may not help with weight loss, as you can easily eat back all of those calories. I lost 45lb and 0lb of it is due to exercise, as my plan was such that I ate back all exercise calories and I had no problem staying within my goal on days I did not exercise. Even if I claimed that I didn't eat back any exercise calories it would have only accounted for ~8-10lb of my total loss as I don't do a lot of cardio.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    i personally think you have plenty there. keep a good eye on your calorie intake as well.
    i started with 20 mins everyday as i was so unfit it was more than enough for me. my knees and ankle didnt like alot of the jumping i was doing
    good luck.
  • omegamaster40
    omegamaster40 Posts: 11 Member
    sounds like a great workout week - stick with it and you will see great results!

    After a few months of keeping that routine up you can add one additional night a week, extend a workout, or increase the intensity of one of the workouts - I wouldn't change a thing for 4 months though.

    Good luck!
  • JenPass1977
    JenPass1977 Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks all, I am beginning to really enjoy it, more so the classes than the treadmill in my cold garage admittedly, and the weight is coming off at a consistent rate. Would like to find a way of introducing some lifting soon too.