Suddenly cannot sleep.

hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
I changed my diet again last week, lowering my calories, I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but for the past week I cannot sleep AT ALL. Today has been the craziest so far, I have been up since 3PM yesterday and it is now going to be 12AM a whole 24+ hours later.(which is almost 2 days later) I slept 2 hours only. I have never had problems with insomnia before no matter what time I have slept or woken up. I'm out of school for summer now and usually I will go to sleep around 4AM-5AM latest, wake up by around 12-1pm noon. My schedule before this week of no sleep, I was going to sleep around 1AM and waking up at 8AM on my own. One night this week, I could not sleep a wink, and it has been that way for a week, with the most extreme being yesterday/today. I have been awake over 30 hours and I feel a little out of it maybe, but I do not feel sleepy. I have tried going to sleep very hard already with only 2 hours of success. I don't know what has suddenly caused this and I do not like it! Any ideas from anyone? The only thing I changed was my diet, lowering calories, nothing else. I do not drink energy drinks or coffee and am not a huge fan of sugary stuff except Dr Pepper maybe, but its nothing excessive. I've never not slept this long before...Almost 30 hours and I'm here practically not even tired still. What gives? Any help is appreciated.


  • LissaK1981
    LissaK1981 Posts: 219 Member
    Sometimes diet changes can do it, also working out can release endorphins. Have you started taking vitamins? Multi vitamins and b-complexs can amp me up. I also have a tendancy to get wound up on kombuchas and chia seeds. Try working out earlier in the day. Also how you are exposed to light can trigger changes in your circadian rhythm. I have just always been a night owl. When you wake up in the morning try a cold washcloth on the back of you neck and get expose yourself to some sun. Hope some of these help ya :)
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member