I'm a week and a half into my journey.

SW 225 / CW 218 / GW 165?
5'8" 45F

I've been lurking but I think I need to become part of the community too.

I have a bad habit of drinking my calories which has become abundantly clear when I switched to zero calorie drinks and now have to force myself to eat after dinner to get my calories up to 1200.

But I also know that I have trigger foods. Bread is a weakness for me and to a lesser extent chocolate.

Just logging every bite has been huge for me. It makes me think if "spending" my allowance is worth it.


  • omegamaster40
    omegamaster40 Posts: 11 Member
    Liquid calories are a challenge for everyone, I think.

    Half the battle is getting the right amount of calories, the other half in ensuring you are getting all the nutrients you need.

    Glad to hear see you are joining the community, it is helpful in any quest, logging every bite really does make a difference - stay with it!
  • Cheryl_in_AL
    Cheryl_in_AL Posts: 7 Member