Going over on Calories

How often does everybody else go over on their calories? I have gone over two times recently (my only two times) and I'm wondering how concerned I should be about that.


  • PacManBrah
    PacManBrah Posts: 17
    everyday but I'm trying to gain weight, I think in the end it's about consistency if your weekly average of net calories is +20% than I'd say that's significant.
  • majica8
    majica8 Posts: 210 Member
    I do sometimes but then I'm also way under some days. I usually just look at/care about my weekly average, which is always under.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    It all depends how much you've gone over. The calories you count are an estimates. Manufacturers packets calories can legally be around 10% out. I look upon the Calorie limit as a guide and use some common sense. If i'm 100 over occasionally not a problem but if I start going over by 100s I then need to take a good look at what I am doing.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    usually on the weekends. But for the most part i'm under, and the weight is slowly coming off so i'm not going to worry.

    I figure that the calorie count is not 100% accurate, the exercise count is not 100% accurate, so if i'm a bit off, i'm a bit off...
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 831 Member
    More often than I'd like - any day where I am super tired I tend to want to eat / be hungry all day. Now that I have cottoned on to this trend I am working hard on my sleep habits

    It helps me to remember that the way MFP works is to give you a deficit - so if you aim to lose a pound a week you have a 3500 calorie deficit - if you go over your calories by 100 each day you will still have a deficit of 2800 - not enough to lose a whole pound that week but enough to lose half a pound. Going over your calories will only slow your progress (within reason)

    Once or twice a little over isn't going to stop your weight loss progress :)
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    I would say this week I have gone over 2 times, but I exercised a lot on one of my other days and was well under, so I think it cancelled them out. If you have gone over just try increasing your exercise on a couple of days and staying under calories then you will be fine. Funny thing is last week I went over calories twice but still lost 2lbs, the week before I didn't go over once and didn't loose anything. So don't worry too much ?
  • Yeah, look at weekly numbers more than daily numbers to get a better idea of how you're eating. If your weekly number ends up several hundred calories above your goal, then either your goal is too low or you need to adjust your eating habits.
  • thanks for all the great responses! how do i look at weekly in the reports?