Who has lost a significant amount of weight using...



  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    We have! I switched to five inch plates. My husband and I removed our regular dinner plates in favor of the smaller ones. Here is a photo that I like.

  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    Chefs will tell you you eat with your eyes first. If the plate looks fuller you will feel fuller. If the food looks good it will taste better. That's the reason for using lots of variety in texture and color. When we eat the same thing day after day it gets boring and we try to find something that tastes better or at least different.
  • ezzamaybee
    I have my dinner with my family, so I would feel singled out if I have a smaller plate. What I do is weigh my food so I know exactly how much I'm getting, then savour my food more, hold it in your mouth longer, chew slower, it allows you to feel more satisfied by your meal and allows you to properly establish when your full, I've found when I just shovel food in I neglect the feeling I'm getting from my tummy because I'm too focussed on eating, then overeat.

    Try it, it works. You appreciate your food more too.

    Hope that helps :)
  • ezzamaybee
    ALSO! Think your meal through first, think about what's in it, what you're going to enjoy, there was a psychological study conducted in America, one group was given a meal and simply told it was 'dinner' and one group was given 'dinner containing roasted carrots, roast beef etc' the people in the latter group enjoyed their meal more, felt fuller and more satisfied by the end of their meal and were less likely to snack later.

    Give it a go :)
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    I tried the smaller plate years ago. Turns out i must be smatter than the plate, for the plate did not fool me and i eventually went back for seconds.

    What i do now is absolutely overload on vegetables. Probably the one good thing ive been doing for years.

    Its not uncommon for me to devour 1/2kg of Vegetables in a sitting.

    Doesn't leave much room for much else, and i always make sure i munch them down before anything else.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Nah. Mine have just gotten bigger...

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Nah. Mine have just gotten bigger...


    Hi5 :)

    And OP, I'm pretty sure I can safely say that no one has ever gotten "ripped" using smaller food plates. I have heard of it being a way to help teach people about portion control though, which helped them lose weight ;)
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    My mom tried this, only problem, she would fill the plate to the rim. -_- lol