Starting (over) today!

Ok! I'm going to give this another try, starting today! I had a lot of success in the past (lost > 80 lbs), but it's been rocky, lately (have regained about half of that, in fits and spurts in combination with re-losing some).

So I've "reset" my starting weight to today's weight (by adding a bogus weight entry (with today's weight) prior to my first actual weight entry). And I've reset my weight goal to something I know I can achieve (because I got that far, last time).

I'm actually kind of excited to see "0 lbs lost" right now. haha. :) I think it'll help motivate me to know how much weight I've lost THIS time (instead of taking credit for my previous hard work that was so long ago that it only feels like a vague historical victory, now).

I hope I can remember to log all of my food again! I tried going "off the grid" for a while to see if I could keep eating well even without MFP... Nope. I'm not good at that. I still really, really want to be good at that some day, but I need to recognize that I need to put my "training wheels" back on (aka log everything in MPF again) for a while.


  • jca1216
    jca1216 Posts: 40 Member
    I did not do so well when I stopped using MFP either :( I am starting it back up again myself. Feel free to add me
    If you want a friend to help motivate you along the way :) I know I could use the help too!!
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I've been using MFP since January 2012 & I almost get withdrawal sometimes when I realize I forgot to enter in some of my food. I wasn't using it exclusively for awhile since I got pregnant with my 4th boy, but now I'm done having kids & I can't use the baby fat excuse forever!! I'm on day 29 & have also joined a Biggest Loser 12 week Challenge. Nothing like the fear of having to pay money in if you gain weight at the end of the week!!! Baby steps, baby steps are all you need right now. Gradually work into it, you can do this!!
  • moody37
    moody37 Posts: 206 Member
    I've recently reset my weight too! After losing some and gaining a bit back, I became discouraged. So back to 0 was good for me. Good luck!!!