How do you not eat out as much?

I go out a lot with friends and its always seems to be centered around food like going out to lunch, or dinner or some activity that involves us eating or drinking before or after. I already cut out soda and I usually stick to ordering an appetizer whenever I do go out with them but I still feel like I'm eating restaurant food too much. How do I cut back without isolating myself at home eating my healthy foods and not socializing?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Throw dinner parties - you get to decide the menu :D

    (How do you "throw" parties, sounds so strange to a non-native speaker :p )
  • Fitwarrior7_Round_2
    Fitwarrior7_Round_2 Posts: 453 Member
    Eat a salad, or just simply say no?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    A few options:
    * pick a maximum number of times you'll go out and stick to that
    * eat lower cal foods when you're out
    * eat whatever you want when you're out and make up the calories on other days/meals
    * go out with your friends but eat before/after at home
    * suggest activities that don't involve food/drink
  • Cchioles
    Cchioles Posts: 276 Member
    There's Always A Healthier Choice. If You Can't Avoid The Outings, Just Be Mindful Of What You're Eating And Make It Fit Your Day.. Plan Ahead If Possible By Looking Up The Menu And Nutrition Of The Foods And Know What You're Getting Before You Even Get There.. You Can Also Eat A Little Before Going So You Won't Be So Hungry And Will Be Less Inclined To Order Large Meals You Don't Need .. Take Charge, You Can Control The Situation Regardless Of Where You Go!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    It can definitely be hard. When you know you're going out to eat, you can eat a very small lunch and cut out all snacks during the day. I try not to have more than 300 calories on days when I know I'm going to dinner, so it's easier to make everything fit. You can also try to only eat half of what you order, and save the other half for lunch.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I still eat out often. I look up the nutrition information beforehand and pick something that's going to fit into my goal.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Stick to only going out to eat once a week. Think of the money you'll save - Eating out is really expensive!
    If you find yourself in a position where you have to eat out more than once, stick to grilled chicken or seafood, skip the starches and fill up on steamed vegetables.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    When you can, lead your social group with a different type of activity. Base it around an activity that is, well, active. Go for a hike. Go biking. Look for things to do in your area that get you out and moving. And when it is food/restaurant centered either look up the menu ahead of time and choose according to your caloric needs or work out extra/eat smaller meals the rest of the day to account for the social eating.
    jacki865 wrote: »
    I go out a lot with friends and its always seems to be centered around food like going out to lunch, or dinner or some activity that involves us eating or drinking before or after. I already cut out soda and I usually stick to ordering an appetizer whenever I do go out with them but I still feel like I'm eating restaurant food too much. How do I cut back without isolating myself at home eating my healthy foods and not socializing?

  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Look up the restaurants you and your friends like to go to and plan what you're getting ahead of time. Basically, decide on a calorie limit for that meal, and stick to it. If you know ahead what you're getting, you're much less likely to overeat. If you share an appetizer with the group, only have one piece of it. A little extra isn't that big a deal, just don't eat a whole bunch of it!

    You can also offer to host some dinners at your place. Offer to cook the full meal, or cook the entree and have your friends bring over side dishes. Healthier options, and you don't feel bad for staying and talking for a long time, which ties up the table for other people.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i eat out all the time.

    i drink all the time.

    plan for it. its not a biggie.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Plan for it or plan different activities like frisbee toss or football game or skating.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Make friends with people who are active and health-conscious.

    Take up more active hobbies, like hiking and social dancing.

    Try to shift meet-ups to a coffee shop instead of a restaurant. Those who want to eat have that option, but you can stick to tea or another low-calorie option.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    When you can, lead your social group with a different type of activity. Base it around an activity that is, well, active. Go for a hike. Go biking. Look for things to do in your area that get you out and moving. And when it is food/restaurant centered either look up the menu ahead of time and choose according to your caloric needs or work out extra/eat smaller meals the rest of the day to account for the social eating.
    jacki865 wrote: »
    I go out a lot with friends and its always seems to be centered around food like going out to lunch, or dinner or some activity that involves us eating or drinking before or after. I already cut out soda and I usually stick to ordering an appetizer whenever I do go out with them but I still feel like I'm eating restaurant food too much. How do I cut back without isolating myself at home eating my healthy foods and not socializing?

    Yes, I've been advocating for more active outings. I wanted to try go-cart racing but checked out the place last time I was near it and it was really noisy. Maybe an out door place when the weather improves would work. Paint ball might be fun.
  • lussimark
    lussimark Posts: 1 Member
    even if you eat in restaurant , you can have some healthy kinds of food .
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    Personally I eat out once every week and I plan for it by pre-logging my calories for each day of the week and checking my weekly daily average. If it's too high I can make adjustments to my meals and snacks on the other 6 days of the week. Or, you can do it the way my trainer does and order a side salad and bring your own protein (packet of tuna, diced chicken) if you want to limit the calories if you eat out more than once a week. Every restaurant has a side salad.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Make friends with people who are active and health-conscious.

    Take up more active hobbies, like hiking and social dancing.

    Try to shift meet-ups to a coffee shop instead of a restaurant. Those who want to eat have that option, but you can stick to tea or another low-calorie option.

    This! Friends we get together with every week, we usually get a bunch of fast food for everyone. There is one member of the group trying to lose weight who has thyroid issues so she needs really good control of what she eats. So she almost never eats fast food with us. Hopefully once her thyroid is under control, she'll be able to occasionally indulge. But anyways, if they are your 'friend' you don't think they are weird if they weigh their food or what not. You aknowledge that's what they need to do for their health! There are other people I get together with occasionally, and of course I wouldn't tell them this, but I have decided they are not worth a meal or wasting calories to me. They are sedentary, so I generally meet them for coffee or jamba juice or something where I can keep the calories pretty low, otherwise I'd suggest walking/hiking.
  • BenOsen3
    BenOsen3 Posts: 121 Member
    If you eat out at a restaurant, limit to eating 1/2 whatever is on your plate and take the rest home. Or eat a meal at home before and have salad or something light.
  • bspringer544
    bspringer544 Posts: 155 Member
    Ditch all your friends, move out into the middle of nowhere 100km from the nearest city, and hide away in your house like a crazy hermit....



    That's what I did...
  • spamanda53
    spamanda53 Posts: 86 Member
    I've started changing the "Hey lets grab dinner" to "Hey lets grab coffee." It gets rid of the food element for me and still allows the socialization. Another option is to hang out at someones house and have people bring food. That way you can bring something that you can eat without too much extra planning and then just avoid the other stuff there or eat a small amount of it.