My son is in remission, time to take care of me.

I'm a 33y/o mother of a child who just recently won his battle with Hepatoblastoma. He had a liver transplant in June of 2015. He turns 2 this February. Since my son's diagnosis, I have gained close to 60 lbs due to various reasons. I was already overweight. Now that our life is on its way to our version of normal it's time I fix myself. My husband and I want to continue to expand our little family and we can't do that until I know I can take care of our kids and myself. Looking for some friends to add so that I can be motivated and help motivate others. I've already hit rock bottom the day I heard "your son has cancer". Nothing can stop me now. Send me an invite!!
Nicole the Momcologist


  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    Oh my...I can't even imagine the toll that's taken. How wonderful that he's in remission! Take care of yourself mama!
  • CallieFreeman2014
    CallieFreeman2014 Posts: 12 Member
    My goodness. Feel free to add me! I have a little boy that just turned 3, so I couldn't imagine. You want to be able to run and play with your healthy little boy so it is time to focus on "mommy" now! You can do this!!!!!!