Baby weight and then some

My son just turned one and somehow I'm 15 pounds heavier than when I had him!! I cannot be like this. I don't feel like myself. I lost 40 lbs before and I know I can do it again but getting started is always the hardest part!! Let's do this together!!!!


  • annied000
    annied000 Posts: 39 Member
    I just had baby #5 and it gets harder to lose the weight each time. I have about 27lbs to lose. I'll send a request to add you :)
  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member
    I feel your pain @bellaninja15 . My son is nearly 2 and I am ( was, lost 11 lbs so far!) within 10 pounds of my heaviest during pregnancy! I didn't feel like myself either and was unhappy that I wasn't doing anything to change it. I started MFP 2 weeks ago and am finally feeling like I can do this again and do it even better. I also had lost 40 pounds about 4 years ago but gained it back. As mothers we must take care of ourselves and too often put everyone else first. I feel like the Time is Now! Good luck!
  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    I was at my lightest for a long time but still overweight after my son was born and when he turned 2 I was another 30 pounds heavier ! I have another 25-30 to go get into a better bmi . Sending you a friend request X
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I was 108 lbs when I got married, I gained 19 1/2 lbs during the first pregnancy, kept 5 lbs from that pregnancy, then gained 21 1/2 lbs the 2nd time. And I kept 5 lbs from it too. And I also gained weight while nursing, and at some point, I had to admit that the weight is me, that I'm not going to be able to lose it.

    Losing weight is losing weight. It doesn't really discriminate as to how you gained it.
  • katiehobson8282
    katiehobson8282 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my little girl is 10 months old and I gained 5 stone during pregnancy. I went from 10st to 15st. 4 weeks after having her I was 14st 13lbs and now 10 months later after a serious overhaul on my nutrition and 6 months of personal training I'm down to 11st 7lbs. A loss of over 3 stone is great but I have another 2 stone to lose to be happy. I'm only 5ft 2in so every lb shows and I am a pear so it is all on my hips and bum.

    I am a bridesmaid in 9 weeks for my sister n law. I doubt Ill lose 2 st but Im going to lose as much as I can. I started low carb diet last week and in my first week I lose 4.6lbs. Yay.

    We can do this!!

    I would like to add you all as a friend if that is okay so we can support each other on the baby weight loss journey xxxx