How long before friends notice you've lost weight?

I have put on some of my 'safe' clothing (am sure we all have some, the trousers that fit even if you gain 4lbs) this weekend and have found they are a little loose! In fact, 2 pairs I can take off without undoing the buttons :happy:

It's been 8 weeks since I started back at the gym and was beginning to lose hope that I would ever get rid of my 'fat' jeans. This weekend I threw out 3 pairs of jeans and 2 pairs of linen not going back to that size again!

I can finally see a difference, my stomach is flatter, my thighs are slimmer, my arms are more toned but it seems none of my friends have noticed yet. (I have lost a total of 14lbs since the beginning of the year so guess the weight loss has been too slow to notice)

How long was it before people noticed that you had lost weight or changed shape??


  • NotThePest
    NotThePest Posts: 164
    The first people who noticed my weight loss were not friends. Owners and sales people at stores I frequented, cleaners, etc. A lot of my friends were angry at me, :laugh: for daring to get my weight down. However, my weightless happened before I knew about MFP and happened in 2010 and was more about losing dress sizes then actually losing weight. As a type II diabetic my goal was just to get my glucose under control, the weight was gravy.

    Sometimes when people see you everyday, the loss has to be dramatic before they notice; hopefully when you get to 10 pounds the'll notice it.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    depends on how much and how fast you lose, for me 3 weeks,
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Two people (one in the gym and one at work) (other than my son) has told me that my stomach is MUCH smaller. But I have to admit - I rarely comment when people lose a little weight (I mean when a person is obese) because (a) some obese people are very touchy about *anything* that is weight related and (b) sometimes it's hard to tell. Another thing - I don't know if this is the same with you, but for me, I wear baggy-ish, elastic topped slacks/skirts, cotton tops or tops that are a bit big on me. so if i go up a few or down a few, i stiil "look" the same. may be that is what is going on with you?
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    When I lost 5 kg and came back from uni during a break my whole family noticed :laugh:
  • mscountrygirl39456
    mscountrygirl39456 Posts: 113 Member
    Prolly about 3 1/2 weeks before my friends noticed...and it took about a month and 20lbs before I noticed that my clothes were getting looser
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    I was 17 stone 6 whilst pregnant,9 months later I weigh 13 stone and I'm still waiting for the "wow, you've lost loads of weight" moment lol just my mum and other half have noticed, I've got another two stone to Lose. When I finally reach size 12 and stand in my size 22 pants people might notice ... not that it matters wh other people think but its always nice to have that recognition after such hard work :)
  • Susanthecatwhisperer
    Susanthecatwhisperer Posts: 141 Member
    Last year, my weight reached an all time high of 197. My MEDIUM scrubs didn't fit anymore, and I had to buy LARGE. :noway: I hated feeling like the fat person at work, so I tried MFP (I used a different app before with no luck). I lost about 23 pounds before I told anyone. :blushing: This spring, people started noticing, after 43 pounds of weight loss. I mostly blame the clothes, I still wear the LARGE scrubs because I can't afford to buy all new SMALL ones. Now that summer is here, I wish I could afford some new clothes to show off a little! Fortunately, I have a friend who is a seamstress, and she's going to help me do some serious alterations! The funniest person to notice was the technician who performed my mammogram. She asked if I'd lost a significant amount of weight since last year, because they didn't look like the same breasts! :bigsmile:
  • tomich54
    tomich54 Posts: 99 Member
    I guess it depends on where you were to begin w/. If your a larger person, it wil more than likely take longer to notice - for me it was 55 pounds!
  • jenniezoe
    jenniezoe Posts: 2 Member
    I have been at this since the beginning of April. In two months I lost 22 lbs. Then I started to work out alot for the month of June. I have officially lost 30 lbs and only 3 people have said anything! It is kind of frustrating.. but who am I doing this for anyway? Right. Definitely not them :) Keep up the good work! You will feel great and that is all that matters!
  • It took me 3 months for my friends to notice the difference^^
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I had one or two people who I hadn't seen for a couple of months ask when I'd dropped about 30 lbs if I'd lost weight. People are starting to see a difference now at 55 lbs off though not everyone notices.
  • NJD2885
    NJD2885 Posts: 216 Member
    those who knew I was trying to lose weight noticed a difference within a few weeks. It was only after 20lbs that people who didn't know started to comment (only been 3 people so far)
  • psykins
    psykins Posts: 76
    Yeah, even if they notice your friends might not say much. Personally, I would NEVER comment on someone else's weight gain or loss (besides perhaps "wow, you look great!") unless I knew them extremely well because it just feels rude to me. I also don't appreciate people commenting on my changing weight (altho so far it has only been gain >:\ maybe I'll feel differently when they comment on loss!).
  • BananaFaceFace
    BananaFaceFace Posts: 70 Member
    No one noticed until I lost around 8kg which took me about 2 months and even though i've now lost 11kg my mum and a few close friends still haven't noticed lol.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    oh and i have told only my son, and mentioned the APP to a co worker (didn't get into all the details, just mentioned that I use this web site to track everything). I've been on so many diets in my life and lost and gained so many times that I don't want to talk about till it's all gone
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    It's interesting to see the differences in weight loss before friends notice. Hubby says he can feel a difference so I am going to be happy with that :love:

    Thanks for sharing your experiences xx
  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Posts: 98 Member
    ive lost 20, with 30 more to go and nobody has noticed other than my husband.
  • kiwifrootkai
    kiwifrootkai Posts: 10 Member
    People started noticing more once I got past the 1stone mark, a lot more people are starting to comment now!
  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member
    I started trying to lose the day after Christmas last year and the people closest to me noticed around end of January...acquaintances didn't notice until March or April :)
  • KeishaJo
    KeishaJo Posts: 45
    My husband noticed about 2 weeks ago and has been cheering me on. A few female coworkers remarked that a old pants outfit (that had gotten too small and now fits) looked really nice. And that's about it.

    Sometimes I really don't care that family hasn't really noticed. Sometimes it really hurts my feelings. Just being honest... But coming on here and meeting so many kind people really helps. And my hubby/ best friend is awesome motivation! :smile: