26 year old Mother, here for support/to support back!

Hello, my name is Dee :) I'm 26, 5'11, & 176lbs with a goal weight of 156lbs. I'm a mother of two young boys, & my aim is to fit into pre-pregnancy clothing.

I had a previous account on MFP (opened in August 2012) but i deleted it. I really wanted to start a new account to start fresh... to look mainly at what i have left to loose & focus on that, rather than pat myself on the back prematurely for my previous weight loss. I had successfully lost 36lbs & got myself onto a healthier/more varied diet... but i've really started to slide. I stopped tracking and being active on MFP for weeks at a time after Christmas '12. I haven't put any of the weight back on (thankfully!) but I still have 20lbs to loose to reach my goal weight. If i keep going the way i am i'll be gaining in no time, so it's time to get serious again!

I would love some support, & for the wonderful people here to call me out on inactivity/over-eating! I will be here daily, and will keep my diary open to friends. I will be here to support you in return, & hopefully we can help & inspire each other on this journey! I can't do this without you! Add me? I look forward to getting to know you :)


  • Kushy8
    Kushy8 Posts: 103 Member
    Request sent. I'm 34, no kids. I'm on here every day with a big chunk to lose. Look forward to supporting one another!
  • Wow, congratulations on your weight loss! :) From one newbie to another, welcome and let's hope we both get healthy!
  • luna_om
    luna_om Posts: 8
    Thanks for the add! Added you back :)
  • luna_om
    luna_om Posts: 8
    Thanks massedeffect! All the best of wishes for the beginning of your journey :)
  • pootle69
    pootle69 Posts: 35 Member
    Feel free to add me :-)
  • Heidi_20
    Heidi_20 Posts: 138 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone! I am a mom of two trying to lose 50lbs to get back to pre pregnancy! I log on everyday!!
  • ynf80
    ynf80 Posts: 16 Member
    Have sent a request. Also a returning newbie so to speak. Look forward to chatting to everyone.
  • luna_om
    luna_om Posts: 8
    Will do! Thank you! :smile:
  • luna_om
    luna_om Posts: 8
    Wow, look at how well your doing! Thanks for the req, added!
  • luna_om
    luna_om Posts: 8
    Thanks :D Added!