Octane Lateral Elliptical?

Hey fam,

My gym just recently put in these fancy new lateral elliptical machines, and they're not on the app to track cardio. They're Octane brand, and it's a lateral elliptical machine, so you are basically non-impact rollerblading. I love to use it, but I love tracking my exercise more. How do you think I can track the calories I burned if it's not on the app? Any suggestions?


  • gatsbygirl99
    gatsbygirl99 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey fam,

    My gym just recently put in these fancy new lateral elliptical machines, and they're not on the app to track cardio. They're Octane brand, and it's a lateral elliptical machine, so you are basically non-impact rollerblading. I love to use it, but I love tracking my exercise more. How do you think I can track the calories I burned if it's not on the app? Any suggestions?

    I use it everyday! Love that thing!
    Just add an exercise button at the bottom of your screen. Then record your minutes and calories burned that the machine displays.
    I named mine Octane Lateral.
    It becomes one of your exercises.
    So it's easy to add to your workouts.
    Since your intensity/distance/heart rate etc. changes. It's nice that fitness pal prompts the time and calories every time ☺️
    I hope that helped
  • lyssanstuff1
    lyssanstuff1 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey fam,

    My gym just recently put in these fancy new lateral elliptical machines, and they're not on the app to track cardio. They're Octane brand, and it's a lateral elliptical machine, so you are basically non-impact rollerblading. I love to use it, but I love tracking my exercise more. How do you think I can track the calories I burned if it's not on the app? Any suggestions?

    I use it everyday! Love that thing!
    Just add an exercise button at the bottom of your screen. Then record your minutes and calories burned that the machine displays.
    I named mine Octane Lateral.
    It becomes one of your exercises.
    So it's easy to add to your workouts.
    Since your intensity/distance/heart rate etc. changes. It's nice that fitness pal prompts the time and calories every time ☺️
    I hope that helped

    It did! I guess I didn't know you could add exercises like you could add food!