So we are getting a Planet Fitness in March.

We are getting a Planet Fitness in March my gym membership runs out at WCF in April. Can anyone tell me anything about Planet Fitness that has actually been a member of this gym ? Thank you . Nikole1k on instagram.


  • platinum1k
    platinum1k Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you !!
  • JonathanOvalles
    JonathanOvalles Posts: 11 Member
    Planet fitness not bad at all clean and has pretty much everything you need !!!
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Doesn't work for me. I've gone to several while on business trips and they are the only gym available at times. Pretty much as soon as I walk in and before I've even done anything, I'm setting off the lunk alarm and being asked to leave because I'm "intimidating". I think they're afraid I'll eat all the tootsie rolls and pizza though :D
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    PF has it's place and purpose but it really depends on what you do. The PF I belonged to a few years ago was pretty limited in regards to free weights other than dumbbells and pre loaded barbells. If I recall, they had one squat rack and one Olympic bench...other than that it was dumbbells and machines. The PF I belonged to had no platform for dead lifts or for doing cleans or snatches.

    Given the above, it just doesn't work to me...traditional Strength movements as noted above make up the foundation of my programming and many of them aren't allowed to be performed because somehow traditional movements that have been around for eons are now somehow intimidating to people who are watching you when really they should be more focused on what they're doing.

    I used it primarily for cardiovascular work during bad weather and did some "bro" work here and there...for $10 it was worth having access to the cardio equipment, but I ultimately found something better for that purpose.

    If you're primarily using machines and/or don't care about having access to Olympic barbells and other Olympic lifting equipment then it's probably fine.
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    Doesn't work for me. I've gone to several while on business trips and they are the only gym available at times. Pretty much as soon as I walk in and before I've even done anything, I'm setting off the lunk alarm and being asked to leave because I'm "intimidating". I think they're afraid I'll eat all the tootsie rolls and pizza though :D

    Serious questions: 1. Was it your mere overwhelming presence that set off the alarm, or some accidentally dropped weights or what? and 2. Did someone literally tell you that you had to leave because you were intimidating?

    Thanks in advance for satisfying my curiosity.
  • time2cutnow
    time2cutnow Posts: 150 Member
    Pretty much as soon as I walk in and before I've even done anything, I'm setting off the lunk alarm and being asked to leave because I'm "intimidating".


  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Doesn't work for me. I've gone to several while on business trips and they are the only gym available at times. Pretty much as soon as I walk in and before I've even done anything, I'm setting off the lunk alarm and being asked to leave because I'm "intimidating". I think they're afraid I'll eat all the tootsie rolls and pizza though :D

    Serious questions: 1. Was it your mere overwhelming presence that set off the alarm, or some accidentally dropped weights or what? and 2. Did someone literally tell you that you had to leave because you were intimidating?

    Thanks in advance for satisfying my curiosity.

    1. Didn't even get a chance to drop weights. Barely even got past setting up my first bar for squats and strapping on my belt. Apparently that was enough. Loading 3 plates on each side is apparently intimidating, despite the fact that one is listening to headphones, not talking to anyone, and not paying attention to anyone but the upcoming set of squats.
    2. I was asked to leave. I've been asked to leave from 3 PF's for similar reasons... once because I refused to remove my hat inside.
  • mean_and_lean
    mean_and_lean Posts: 164 Member
    I go there. I like it. It's a decent gym. My husband has the black card so I get to go for free which is a huge plus for me. He used to have an expensive membership at a fancy gym and the few times a month that I would go with him if I had the day off or I was working from home I had to pay the $20 "day pass" which after a while adds up. While I wish mine had more equipment -- it is seriously lacking in the amount of weight plates that it has -- it suits my needs. I'm not looking to bench 500 pounds or curl a couple of cars. I'm just looking to keep the muscle that I have so the amount of weights they have is fine for me.

    Also, the way they treat a person there depends on the manager that runs it. There are several big guys that go to my PF and they've never been kicked out or had the alarm pulled "just because they're big".

    If you're looking for an inexpensive place to do some cardio and lift some weights then PF is the place for you.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Doesn't work for me. I've gone to several while on business trips and they are the only gym available at times. Pretty much as soon as I walk in and before I've even done anything, I'm setting off the lunk alarm and being asked to leave because I'm "intimidating". I think they're afraid I'll eat all the tootsie rolls and pizza though :D

    Serious questions: 1. Was it your mere overwhelming presence that set off the alarm, or some accidentally dropped weights or what? and 2. Did someone literally tell you that you had to leave because you were intimidating?

    Thanks in advance for satisfying my curiosity.

    1. Didn't even get a chance to drop weights. Barely even got past setting up my first bar for squats and strapping on my belt. Apparently that was enough. Loading 3 plates on each side is apparently intimidating, despite the fact that one is listening to headphones, not talking to anyone, and not paying attention to anyone but the upcoming set of squats.
    2. I was asked to leave. I've been asked to leave from 3 PF's for similar reasons... once because I refused to remove my hat inside.

    I would think that paying that much attention to someone's set-up and routine is way more intimidating than whatever it was you were doing.

    Is it really that hard just to mind your own business in the gym? I don't care how many plates the person next to me is using. I don't care if they use a belt or not. I only care about if they leave sweat on stuff.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I've always felt that planet fitness's anti-gymtimidation policy was far more intimidating than anything I or anyone I've ever seen has done while there. Sure it's not the case in all of them since it is a franchise, but if I fail a rep and drop the bar and make some noise, that scares me less than an alarm that goes off after to tell me how bad I am being.
  • I've always felt that planet fitness's anti-gymtimidation policy was far more intimidating than anything I or anyone I've ever seen has done while there. Sure it's not the case in all of them since it is a franchise, but if I fail a rep and drop the bar and make some noise, that scares me less than an alarm that goes off after to tell me how bad I am being.

    That's exactly why I won't set foot in the place -- and after reading your experiences -- no chance in heck now.

    The very fact that they have that alarm (doesn't matter if the individual franchise uses it or not) is gymtimidation. No way will I have that hanging over my head.
  • gracepost123
    gracepost123 Posts: 81 Member
    I love my PF!! Perfect for what I need and open 24/7 :)
  • MacroMan2016
    MacroMan2016 Posts: 11 Member
    I just joined about two moths ago. I watched all the YouTube "hate videos" by people that don't like Planet Fitness. I joined to lose some weight, and firm up & build muscle. My daughter has been a member for several years, and she really likes it. So, I joined, and think it is great. I try to go at least 3-4 times a week, and usually spend 2-3 hours each time there. Although if you are into really serious weight lifting, I agree it probably isn't the place for you, I do seriously believe if you want to get in shape, and stay that way, with the price, this is the right place for most people. Very friendly staff, and are always cleaning the machines, locker rooms, or mopping the floors. I am totally happy with my membership. I think it is wrong to label all the Planet Fitness locations, just because some people are not pleased with their own experiences at their local ones. There are those who are not happy unless they are complaining.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Planet fitness not bad at all clean and has pretty much everything you need !!!

    Sure does!!!

    As long as you don't need a squat rack, platform, bumper plates, bench press, 85 lb dumbbells, barbells...
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Planet fitness not bad at all clean and has pretty much everything you need !!!

    Sure does!!!

    As long as you don't need a squat rack, platform, bumper plates, bench press, 85 lb dumbbells, barbells...

    It has pizza, bagels and tootsie rolls, though. That's gotta count for something.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Planet fitness not bad at all clean and has pretty much everything you need !!!

    Sure does!!!

    As long as you don't need a squat rack, platform, bumper plates, bench press, 85 lb dumbbells, barbells...

    Maybe it depends on the manager? Where I am, it has more free weights, benches and squat racks than the average bodybuilder-oriented gym. Also no rules about not deadlifting or other weird things I have read about planet fitness. I had actually spent several sessions with one of their trainers helping me correct my deadlift (regular staff, not personal trainer). There is somewhere a sign about not dropping weights, but I have never seen anyone enforce the rule.
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    I would try Yelp for some reviews by people that use your local franchise. I know you've seen (and posted in) the last PF thread that's still active. So I'm not sure what you expect to hear in a new one, except basically the same things from the same people.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Planet fitness not bad at all clean and has pretty much everything you need !!!

    Sure does!!!

    As long as you don't need a squat rack, platform, bumper plates, bench press, 85 lb dumbbells, barbells...

    Maybe it depends on the manager? Where I am, it has more free weights, benches and squat racks than the average bodybuilder-oriented gym. Also no rules about not deadlifting or other weird things I have read about planet fitness. I had actually spent several sessions with one of their trainers helping me correct my deadlift (regular staff, not personal trainer). There is somewhere a sign about not dropping weights, but I have never seen anyone enforce the rule.

    Sounds like your place has gone rogue.
    That's a win for you!
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    I would try Yelp for some reviews by people that use your local franchise. I know you've seen (and posted in) the last PF thread that's still active. So I'm not sure what you expect to hear in a new one, except basically the same things from the same people.

    I think OP created this thread before realizing the other one was open