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  • Paulina1230
    Paulina1230 Posts: 215 Member
    im so glad you are getting better what youve achieved is amazing, and from what youve said is exactly how I want to feel again

    my liver is flagging on tests and I now on daily meds to stop my stomach acid from causing me anymore pain, I struggle to breath even when seated im only 3 and a half stone over weight... but have been told that unless I change I will get worse, the rapid change in health is due to the amount I gained in just a few years and is definatly all linked to the weight gain...... i was very recently told this by doctors and advised unless it changes I will be worst fear would be to end up in those scooters..... I used to scuba dive daily, run and gym ..... had friends everywhere and well .... over all loved life...and I hate that I have all that up for tv, pizza and doing nothing all day

    I just want all that back :blush:

    You can have it all back and more, because this time you will appreciate it more. It is scary having a doctor tell you that you WILL get sick, you WILL need drugs, that you WILL end up in a scooter. It doesn't have to be that way. You're not there yet...yet. I have in the last month started roller skating with my grand daughter. I couldn't have done that back in August. No way...I was too fat, too weak, too uncoordinated. Just no way!! Well now I'm out on the floor for up to 3 hours at a time and making wonderful memories with her. I see the other grandmothers sitting at the tables eating pizza and drinking pop and so huge they can barely fit in the seats, and think to myself that that was me just a short time ago. I'm not trying to make it sound easy...cause it's not, but I don't ever want to get to the point again where my doctor tells me that unless I lose weight...I am looking at a liver transplant or death in the near future. It's a choice plain and or die. I choose life and I choose a healthy, fun, active life. You can do this too. I am no one special and I have for years let food dictate to me how I was going to live. No's only food. It's not worth eating something that you know is gonna kill you in the long run. I look at my eating as a life and death decision every day. Is what I am about to put in my mouth going to lead to my early, painful death or is it going to nourish me and help build strong muscles and bones and help me be more active and fit for a longer, healthier life with my loved ones.
  • Paulina1230
    Paulina1230 Posts: 215 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    im so glad you are getting better what youve achieved is amazing, and from what youve said is exactly how I want to feel again

    my liver is flagging on tests and I now on daily meds to stop my stomach acid from causing me anymore pain, I struggle to breath even when seated im only 3 and a half stone over weight... but have been told that unless I change I will get worse, the rapid change in health is due to the amount I gained in just a few years and is definatly all linked to the weight gain...... i was very recently told this by doctors and advised unless it changes I will be worst fear would be to end up in those scooters..... I used to scuba dive daily, run and gym ..... had friends everywhere and well .... over all loved life...and I hate that I have all that up for tv, pizza and doing nothing all day

    I just want all that back :blush:

    One more thing that hasn't been mentioned, and not sure this affects you or not - you don't HAVE to give up the foods you like. Just mind your portions. I always tried to eat the cliche healthy diet - broiled chicken or fish, steamed veggies, rice cakes, etc. And I would quit because I was miserable. What worked was eating mostly the same food, just smaller portions. For some people the temptation to binge would be too great, but for me, learning how to have just 2 slices of pizza, or getting the crispy chicken sandwich but no fries, was definitely the way to go. So if eating one way doesn't work for you, don't give up, just try a different way...

    In theory I agree with you, but when you have been diagnosed with liver problems or in my case fatty liver/cirrhosis you can not have some of the foods you used to eat any more. No fat whatsoever, no alcohol, no sugar and very limited red meat. The liver is working too hard to rid your body of toxins because it has become scarred, and those foods cause it to really overwork and damage it. I would have loved to be able to eat pizza, and fries, and chicken sandwiches and fit them in my calories, but I can't anymore. It has gotten too far past where I can ever eat those foods again. If chocolatedori1 is having flags on her liver tests then that pretty much means that she has done some damage to it. Cold turkey sucks, but death sucks even more. She may just have to suck it up and give up the foods she likes in order to help her liver get better. It's only food!