Any mum get flat tummy back and how long does it take you?

Hi, I have been losing weight since pregnancy. I am happy with it. My tummy has slowly gone down but I can see the excess part that I don't know if it will ever go flat again!

What exercise do I need beside sit up? I google and found a lot of exercise for flat tummy but wonder what really work?


  • mrtastybutt
    mrtastybutt Posts: 87 Member
    With my first pregnancy it went back in about 6 months. The second pregnancy was four years later, but I worked the entire time on my feet even through labor. It went back in about six weeks. I was 18 the first time and 22 the second time. So maybe it was a combination of age and genetics? I had a very physically intensive job at the time as well, so maybe that was a factor too.
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    It took about 2 years after my last baby was born to get that flat tummy back. Hard cardio will help you lose fat, and strength training (like sit ups) will help, but it's impossible to spot-reduce. Your body loses the weight where it wants to, unfortunately. But don't give up hope!! Keep at it, and remember that it took you 9 months to get that tummy, and it will take time to get it back. Best of luck xo
  • bendyourkneekatie
    bendyourkneekatie Posts: 696 Member
    My tummy is pretty flat, except for some wrinkly excess skin I really hope will go away in time. I've come to terms with not getting my waist back, and when I say come to terms with, I mean complain endlessly but know it's not fixable. But I'm pretty happy with my tummy. All I've done is lose weight, do lots of cardio (running, some hiit classes), and a bit of body weight resistance stuff (push-ups, squats, lunges, planks, etc). And run around after 2 toddlers.... Currently 19 months and just-turned-3.