Nursing Student & Realization

katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
Losing weight has always been a battle for me. In the past few months I lost a few pounds and I have been stuck, just maintaining at a weight that is still way to high.
This year I finally started my nursing classes in college, I am a return student. Currently doing health assessments and vital signs, I have learned about the norms. Well mine is definitely not normal. The fact that my resting pulse is always high, my BP is high, and sometimes EXTRA high, my Blood Glucose was over the norm (I am not diabetic). My BMI is in the obese range, my waist line is over the point where I am considered in danger for congestive heart failure.... and this is all information I have just found out and started to learn in the first two weeks of my fundamental classes. It makes me feel so unhealthy, and I am! Things need to change.

So I figure I need to get started. I need to try new things. Instead of focusing so much on the scale, I am going to try and look more at the healthier outlook. I am going to try and lose the weight to lower my BP, and eat healthier and work out so my heart rate could be lower. I will figure it out... It just might take some time. So tomorrow will be my first day of looking at things in new ways.... any people that would like to encourage each other throughout our journeys, let me know! I know I am going to need it... Good luck to you on your journey! [/b][/b]:smiley:


  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    I gained 15 lbs my first semester of nursing school (stress eating mostly). My wake up moment wasn't quite as health-conscious as yours- I realized I didn't fit my uniforms and couldn't afford new ones, so the new weight had to go!

    I lost it and another ten pounds and kept it all off through all of nursing school and my first few working years with calorie tracking and moderate exercise. It can be done! If anything, I think having to be organized and plan my meals and snacks in advance helped a lot in nursing school, when I barely had time to think most days.
  • JenniferLynWhatx
    JenniferLynWhatx Posts: 141 Member
    The worst part of nursing school is literally diagnosing yourself with everything you hear about in class!! I'm in my last semester - feel free to add me!