Anyone else?

So lately I just feel I'm not making any progress. I work out at least 3-4 days might even try 5. I always start off with the treadmill for at least 30-35 minutes than from there it's either leg day or arm day. The only time I'm able to go the gym is around 10 p.m only cause I have evening classes and during the day I watch my daughter. I mean I eat within my calorie limit I will admit I do eat a pice of candy here and there but it's not much honestly if anything it's small chocolate kisses or bites of a candy. Other than that I'm eating chicken, zucchini, egg, toast etc. I look at the mirror and yes I notice a small change but I just feel like not much has changed at all. I'm not weighing myself once a week like I use to I'm starting to weigh myself once every 2 weeks now so I don't have to be addicted to scale. Any suggestions? Help!? Please


  • skuhl1
    skuhl1 Posts: 7 Member
    This is my second go around at trying to lose weight after hitting a plateau and quitting after my point of frustration. This time, however, I had decided to rather just enjoy the process and not focus on the outcome. Ironically enough, the counterintuitive thing happened: not only did I sail past the old 200#pound plateau, I am at my thinnest. In the last two weeks I have gone lacto-vegetarian. This is seemingly help me lose even more weight.

    Although I am not recommending to go that extreme; I have learned to not to become so attached to the outcome and to not give up when I hit an obstacle. Don't quit before the miracle happens : )
  • jaorti95
    jaorti95 Posts: 65 Member
    skuhl1 wrote: »
    This is my second go around at trying to lose weight after hitting a plateau and quitting after my point of frustration. This time, however, I had decided to rather just enjoy the process and not focus on the outcome. Ironically enough, the counterintuitive thing happened: not only did I sail past the old 200#pound plateau, I am at my thinnest. In the last two weeks I have gone lacto-vegetarian. This is seemingly help me lose even more weight.

    Although I am not recommending to go that extreme; I have learned to not to become so attached to the outcome and to not give up when I hit an obstacle. Don't quit before the miracle happens : )

    Ahh I really loved reading what you said! That makes me happy, really. Your right. Maybe I should just let go of the goal and just enjoy doing what I've been doing and then maybe then I shall start seeing how things have been. That really makes me happy lol
  • skuhl1
    skuhl1 Posts: 7 Member
    Besides, look at how far you've come!
  • jaorti95
    jaorti95 Posts: 65 Member
    I know! It's just ughh I feel like I'm hardly making any progress and it's very discouraging
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    You may also just want to try something different in the gym. Instead of the treadmill, try the elliptical or the rower. Speak to a trainer and do some exercises you had never tried. Getting out of your comfort zone could be a good thing.
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    Watch the bites, licks, and nibbles. They add up! I do better when I keep carbs to under 130 per day. I rarely eat cereal grains or bread. I do eat seeds, nuts, beans, veggies, more veggies, fruit, fat free dairy, and a little fresh lean meat. I stopped eating any form of sugar. My cravings left me. I want to lose weight and to eat basically like this for the rest of my life. My health is more important than the taste of a cookie.
  • jaorti95
    jaorti95 Posts: 65 Member
    edited January 2016
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    You may also just want to try something different in the gym. Instead of the treadmill, try the elliptical or the rower. Speak to a trainer and do some exercises you had never tried. Getting out of your comfort zone could be a good thing.

    I was thinking the same thing !
  • jaorti95
    jaorti95 Posts: 65 Member
    cbelc2 wrote: »
    Watch the bites, licks, and nibbles. They add up! I do better when I keep carbs to under 130 per day. I rarely eat cereal grains or bread. I do eat seeds, nuts, beans, veggies, more veggies, fruit, fat free dairy, and a little fresh lean meat. I stopped eating any form of sugar. My cravings left me. I want to lose weight and to eat basically like this for the rest of my life. My health is more important than the taste of a cookie.

    I've been told that. Your right there too. Sweets are my weakness