Weight doesn't come off as easy after 50!



  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited January 2016
    That hasn't been my experience. I was a little chubby as a teen, and didn't really get the hang of maintaining my ideal weight until I was over 30. But I was practicing, and developing some habits that still work for me now.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    That hasn't been my experience. I was a little chubby as a teen, and didn't really get the hang of maintaining my ideal weight until I was over 30. But I was practicing, and developing some habits that still work for me now.

    30 was easy for me. 50, not so much. Big difference between 30 and 50
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,796 Member
    I've not found age to be a problem, personally.

    I've been fat (on the lower end of obese BMI) for all but of few years of adult life. This was despite being vegetarian (which some folks claim is some kind of weight-management magic, but I'm a counter-example ;) ) for 41 years, and despite being quite active for the last dozen years.

    But I'm 60 y/o, have lost 61 pounds since April 2015 by the standard MFP Calories In < Calories Out (CICO) approach, weighing and logging all my eating, and eating back most of my exercise calories. I'm now at 122 pounds (5'5" tall), a weight I haven't seen since the 1970s, and never expected to see again in my lifetime. I'm also hypothyroid (controlled with meds) and have been menopausal for 15 years (chemotherapy brought menopause early).

    Everyone has their own particular physiology & issues, of course, but age & menopausal status are not a universal deal-breaker, IMO. I've found the CICO process quite simple (though not always easy ;) ).

    And I feel soooo much better, and have better health markers, at a lighter weight: Knee pain greatly reduced, more spry, cholesterol & rest of lipid panel solidly in the normal range after being high for a decade +, blood pressure normal instead of borderline high, and more. So worth the effort investment in weight loss!
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    Oh, I dunno. I've lost 40 pounds over the last 6 months. I turned 50 in November. The last month has been rather slower, but I'm pretty sure that's my fault. The only thing I AM noticing is that I do have a little extra middle-aged padding around my midsection that I didn't have 10 or even 5 years ago, which is annoying me.
  • RondieBlax
    RondieBlax Posts: 10 Member
    Very encouraging so many of you! I will be 50 in May. After losing 57 lbs. in 2013 I am now battling to regain that loss. I gained 20 of it back since 2014 and it's a mutha to get back there. I'm determined though. Running bothers my ankles so I speed walk on my treadmill with an incline for 1 hour every morning before I start my day. Soon, when I get my car back, I will be back in my alma mater's rec center to do strength training-looking forward to what will happen with consistency. Tweaking my food intake again to be more variety and using MFP to measure calories and activity together. I know it will get harder as I get older but I don't care. This is it for life or until I can't do it anymore. Looking forward to the challenge and the adrenalin rush! Don't give up candy463!

  • candy463
    candy463 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank u for the positive words