Why do people keep their scales in the bathroom?



  • N8r8r
    N8r8r Posts: 75 Member
    Ha. Some of these replies made me laugh.

    For the record I don't own a scale and am not suggesting people should be weighing themselves naked in the kitchen. Can you imagine all the poor traumatized children?

    Oh. Also since I don't think this has been brought up yet in the discussion (or maybe it has), scales may tend to go wonky if you place them on a soft surface (ie. Carpeting). Most people's living room is either carpet or laminate wood, but both have a give to them due to padding underneath. Unless you have a top-of-the-line scale, it could possibly throw your numbers off by a pound or two. I have a chintzy scale that I got from Target, and I've noticed a difference between the weight being measured on tile vs. on laminate flooring. Just putting it out there.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    My bathroom's tiny and my kitchen is big. My scale lives in the kitchen. I'm up before everyone else in my family anyway, so I weigh, nekkid, in the kitchen. :laugh:
  • Rainorshine2013
    Rainorshine2013 Posts: 21 Member
    bathroom is more private..also people like to weigh naked so maybe before hopping right into the shower
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    So I can weigh myself naked first thing in the morning right before I take a shower.

    +1 this; first thing in the morning, no water drank and maybe after using the bathroom to get the lowest reading possible (sorry, might be TMI)
    +2 this; ditto plus hard floor for accurate measuring, and also for nekkid, cause that can't/shouldn't happen in the kitchen.
    Also, with 5 kids its the only place I get any privacy.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I put my scale in my bedroom because the surface is even there, but the spacing of the tiles in my bathroom means there's always a wobbly corner of the scale, unless I place it cockeyed which is annoying to look at.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My scale is in the kitchen! I keep it underneath an arm chair in there. I live in a really old place with uneven floors, and that particular spot in the kitchen (if I pull the scale straight out) happens to be the most consistent and even spot in the house. I don't mind getting naked in the kitchen first thing in the morning! :drinker:

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I put my scale in my bedroom because the surface is even there, but the spacing of the tiles in my bathroom means there's always a wobbly corner of the scale, unless I place it cockeyed which is annoying to look at.

  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    Believe it or not, I actually keep my weight scale in the Kitchen... There is not enough room in my bathroom anyway, anyhow...
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    Because I can't stand clutter, and it does not go with the décor. Besides, the bathroom is convenient. If I have to have the scales in view to eat like a normal person, then I'm not that commited to a healthy lifestyle.
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    In the kitchen is my way. A reminder every time I enter the food zone.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    My fiance put ours in the dining room. I hate it there but its better than arguing with him about it.
    The scale is a tall dr's office scale so it fits in the dining room better than the bath room.
    But if I had a bigger bathroom, I would move it there.

    I weight in naked on it in the dining room but I have to make sure the blinds are closed first since i live in a highly populated part of town. I dont want to scare the neighbor kids.
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    Because you weigh naked after using the can, of course. Convenience, not "hiding".
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    I keep mine in the bathroom because it's easy, i weigh myself naked after going to the bathroom and anywhere else and i would trip over it or it would be in the way. So it is convenient to have it in the bathroom. lol
  • Jett_05
    Jett_05 Posts: 95 Member
    Growing up a friend of mine had a mom with a severe eating disorder. She put locks on the fridge, cabinets, etc. and had a scale in her kitchen. As a mom....I don't want to have a kid with the same memories as my friend's.
  • thatonepersonfromtheinternet
    Your weight differs throughout the day so putting it in an area such as a living room or kitchen in the hopes that it will be a deterrent from eating or taking a break might cause compulsive weighing.
    Not to say that people that do keep in in those areas constantly weigh themselves or have a problem with convenience with their placement but placing them as a preventative for certain habits may increase chances of unhealthy behavior on the opposite side of the spectrum. I used to weigh myself 3 times daily and judged my habits based on the number I saw. If I saw I gained weight, I'd skip a meal. Or overwork myself. I knew that this weight was because of fluctuations but it still made me feel terrible about myself.
    So in summary, put your scale where ever you want but don't use it to prevent eating or cause over-exercise.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    so i bump into it every day and nearly break a toe... (small bathroom)

    anyhow, if you need a reminder in the kitchen, you can plaster your fridge with unfortunate pictures of yourself. Livingroom - just slap a nice frame on them.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I keep mine in the bathroom because that's where I have room for it. Besides, the scale is not my only focus so there is no reason to keep it out as a reminder.
  • F1TCH1K
    F1TCH1K Posts: 72 Member
    ... and also for nekkid, cause that can't/shouldn't happen in the kitchen.

    What?! Who says so? I'm naked in my kitchen.. a lot!

    But serious side, I don't hide mine in the bathroom - it's just what I'm used to (though in reality, I don't weigh myself very often at all).
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have a very tiny galley kitchen. If I put it in there, I'd trip over it and probably end up with a broken hip.

    First thing I do in the morning, after I use the toilet, is weigh myself. So the logical place for the scale is in the bathroom.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Hard floor, nakedness, and cuz I don't need to use my weight to deter myself from eating.