Under 30 and losing 100+ lbs



  • erinbretzke1990
    erinbretzke1990 Posts: 3 Member
    26 years old, mom to 17 month old, step-mom to trying 8 year old. I have over 115 lbs to lose! Feel free to add me as a friend everyone! ❤️
  • rachelcole88
    rachelcole88 Posts: 14 Member
    I just added you Erin.
    Good luck and welcome! I just want this forum to be about our experiences as each of us go on this journey!
  • rachelcole88
    rachelcole88 Posts: 14 Member
    Merrm wrote: »
    I'm 22 and I started around the same time you did (new years) with about 100 pounds to lose. Right now I'm about 50 pounds off, 50 to go. The thing I found most helpful was getting a fitbit charge hr. I love that I can see exactly how many calories I'm burning in a day vs how much I'm eating, assuming that I log accurately. When there's a sale you can get a refurbished one on Groupon for around $100. That's what I did and it's worked perfectly. Feel free to add me as a friend.

    I actually just got a fit but two weekends ago it's a charge Hr as well and I'm loving it!
    I really haven't done too well up to this point. I can make lots of excuses but at this point lets just call it: I fell off the wagon because I didn't fully commit. However, I'm back on now and I'm going at it full force. I work out weights and cardio 3 days a week and cardio alone one day a week and then on the weekends my hubby and I are trying to do things that are more healthy. This weekend we went shopping at the outlet mall! (Yay for retail therapy) on Saturday and the. Sunday we spent the afternoon at the zoo and I took more than 10K steps in 3 hours! Let me just tell you it was kind of thrilling because as I watched my number of steps go up it pushed me to do more and more. Pm me your email and I can add you to my Fitbit stuff and we can do the challenges on there for the weeks and weekends too! If you want!

  • rachelcole88
    rachelcole88 Posts: 14 Member
    msfofo80 wrote: »
    I am over 30 (35) but I just wanted to say congrats! I did 30 days straight Paleo and lost 14 lbs had 2 cheat meals over mothers day weekend and then started 30 days again on 5/9 and I am down 3 more lbs.

    I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred 3 days a week and then walking 4 days a week.

    I just wanted to tell you to make sure you are measuring. When you are doing intense workouts with a trainer sometimes the scale stalls and the inches come off faster!

    KEEP IT UP!! You've got this!!!

    Thank you! I haven't measured but I'm my trainer said my close will start fitting differently at about week 4. And then every 4 weeks after! Assuming I stay the course, which I plan too. He thinks I should be down about 100 lbs by nov which will put me within arms reach of my goal weight! Yay for not being ashamed to take a picture! Yay for not hating the way I look in the mirror and for wanting my husband to take me to nice places and not feeling out of place myself! My weight loss goals are also some self love goals! I want to love me again and I can't do that in this skin. I know not everyone is that way, and I wish I was one of those people who could love themselves at any weight. But alas I'm not. So I'm looking forward to the future!
    I hope you chose to stay in the forum and keep us all posted on your journey!!

  • oksoitsjen
    oksoitsjen Posts: 21 Member
    Hiiiiii! I am under 30 (28) but I have almost 80 pounds to lose. I am starting again tomorrow! I have been out of town a lot and it has been so hard to stay on plan! Good luck to you! You can add me if you want to!
  • Sheri2016
    Sheri2016 Posts: 197 Member
    I'm 28 and have at least 80 lbs to lose
  • rachelcole88
    rachelcole88 Posts: 14 Member
    oksoitsjen wrote: »
    Hiiiiii! I am under 30 (28) but I have almost 80 pounds to lose. I am starting again tomorrow! I have been out of town a lot and it has been so hard to stay on plan! Good luck to you! You can add me if you want to!

    Good luck to you too!!!!

  • rachelcole88
    rachelcole88 Posts: 14 Member
    Sheri2016 wrote: »
    I'm 28 and have at least 80 lbs to lose

    Yay! I'm so excited to have more people on this forum! Welcome and good luck!
  • Panys_mom
    Panys_mom Posts: 96 Member
    hey, I'm new-ish. just found out I'm insulin resistant so doc has me on a low carb diet. unsure of diets, since I never had much luck, but finding out about being insulin resistant makes sense. anyone know of low card way of living or what paleo is? been looking online but not understanding much.
  • msfofo80
    msfofo80 Posts: 7 Member
    Panys_mom wrote: »
    hey, I'm new-ish. just found out I'm insulin resistant so doc has me on a low carb diet. unsure of diets, since I never had much luck, but finding out about being insulin resistant makes sense. anyone know of low card way of living or what paleo is? been looking online but not understanding much.

    I have done both. The biggest difference between low carb and paleo is that you do not have dairy on paleo.

    Paleo is focused on natural whole foods: meats (as natural, cage free, grass fed as you can afford), veggies, fruits, healthy fats like avocados and nuts (not peanuts) you can use a little olive oil, for salad dressings you use things like balsamic vinegar or make your own (which I have started doing). You eat no processed foods.

    Low carb is similar except you eat dairy- full fat dairy. The idea behind it is that by consuming a high fat diet you will start burning fat for fuel hence losing weight.

    I am insulin resistant and I definitely do better on one of the 2 ways of eating you listed. Dairy can cause your body inflammation so that is a big reason people will choose paleo. I lose weight faster on paleo so that is what I am sticking to but it can be hard for some people.

    I hope this helps! Good luck!
  • Billiewilliams21
    Billiewilliams21 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I'm 28 and I've over 100lbs to lose. Anybody feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck on your weight loss journey!