Weight change on app....

Hi there... does anyone know how I can change the start weight on the fitness app? I started this months ago, but then fell off the wagon... I started using it again a few weeks ago and would like the start weight to represent that weight not the one prior...help.... tia


  • Cheryl_in_AL
    Cheryl_in_AL Posts: 7 Member
    I'm using this on an iPhone but I was able to delete my old weigh ins and it started with the first one I left in there. For me it was swiping left and clicking delete.
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    ​Please see this article, and search for other helpful articles, on the MFP Help pages...


    You must use the Web version, not the mobile apps, to update your starting weight or edit previous entries. On your mobile device, you can use the Web browser and request to load the desktop site.

    Navigate to APPS > Tickers > Update your weight data. Enter your desired starting weight and click Save Changes. That will update the oldest date/weight in your profile, which is used to calculate your overall loss (or gain).

    Alternately, navigate to MY HOME > Check-in > Edit Previous Entries.

    a. Enter a new value in the Starting Weight text box and click Change; or

    b. Scroll down and click on the highest page number to take you to the oldest date/weight entry. Once you find your oldest date/weight entry, under Add New Entry, enter the new date/weight and click Add New Entry. That will replace the oldest date/weight with your new one.

    c. If you want to keep all of your historical data, Add New Entry at least one day older than the oldest date/weight.